What I will probably be posting about in the future

Feb 24, 2007 01:25

So I have given this a lot of thought, and if I am going to get myself to post here with any regularity it will have to be about stuff that I do, or want to do regularly but nothing that I consider too personal because as extroverted as I can make myself out to be I am still a big introvert deep inside. So I will probably post mostly about 3 things, Poker, My workouts, and My diet. Those last two probably seem like they should be all part of the same but they really are not. For example I have been waaaay off my diet now for months, since my trainer left for a general manager's job at another gym, but I was only off my excersize for about two weeks while I was leaving one job and looking for another.

See the way I lost my weight last year was first getting into a regular excersize routine to where I was burning around 2250 calories a week at the gym but I didn't change my food intake very much. By May of last year I had lost a total of 12 pounds and this was going from not excersizing at all to doing it 4 times a week. This agrivated me to no end so I got the food thing going. Believe it or not the main component of my diet was thanks to the Wendy's dollar menu. It also let me save more of my weekly pocket cash so that I had more to play poker with but that is another story. For $2.16 a day I had a green salad with half a package of low cal ranch or french dressing and a small cup of Wendys chili. And depending on the dressing that was 275 or 280 calories for lunch. Breakfast was usually a cold piece of chicken breast tenders (not breaded) from Costco 110 calories, plus a bannana 120 calories. During the day I would snack on one or two small bags of Rold Gold pretzels 110 calories each and drink Diet Ice Botanical drinks 10 calories and dinner most nights was a Spinich or Mixed greens salad with lo-cal dressing and some more chicken breast for about 300 calories. I was living on about 1200 to 1500 calories a day but I was filling my mouth up with something usually every two hours while I was awake so I never felt like I was starving myself.

The reduced calories along with the excersize and I was down 35lbs by August 26th when my Dad got married in Las Vegas. I pretty much shocked both my Dad and my sister when they saw how much thinner I looked compaired to when they had last seen me in February for my sisters wedding.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that part before. My little sister got married on 2/4/6, it was more of a vows renual since they had already married at city hall a while back for insurance coverage, but this was in a church, and had a big reception, and for her that made it really really real. My best friends dad performmed the ceremony, he is a pastor, that was a real trip having a guy that I used to raid his fridge after school for leftover speghetti and meatballs or home made fried chicken officiate the wedding of my little sister. Tim and I learned to program on his computer, and my dads too, after school.

Anyways so now that the genie is out of the bottle expect more rambling such as this one from me in the future, or I might disapear for another year. But probably not until I tell about how I took $140 away from some folks at Binnions only to give it way the next day at Belagio and the Mirage.

poker, excersize, wedding, diet

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