I think just about everyone has played Twister at one time or another. But it's just the same old same old. Spin the wheel thingy and then place your hand or foot onto the color that the wheel said to. In a world where modifications are made everyday, it's about time we modified that old favorite American party game. I feel it's about time we found a way to make Twister new again. And I have the perfect idea. We need to add shock devises so that every ten minutes or so some one's hand or foot will get shocked. Not a high voltage just a little prick , at first that is. Then as the game intensifies so will the voltage. Not only will the game be fun to play, but it'll be much more entertaining to watch! Just picture it you and your friends laughing until you cry as Bobby over there gets 100 volts pounded through him when he places his right foot on green. Like they say no pain, no game! It's glorious!
Wouldn't these kids be even more happy if they were given a shock or two?