Jun 04, 2006 20:36
Sometimes, it's just strange how things can work out at times...
Perhaps people are right when they say that if you just don't care, that's when it happens.
Let me explain.
Last week, depressing was the game. I know.. I know... When is that new with me? But, I became really weak and did some bad, bad things. Drunkness... Some bodily harm was done... The works. I'd had it. Thursday night, I was ready to toss my life away because outside of my sister, no one seemed to care as much as they say they do. So, the next few days were spent in bitter anger and utter depression. I was planning on living the rest of my horrid existance in an otaku (fanboy) based life and only obsess over non-existent cartoon/anime chicks because at least they were programmed or animated to meet an ideal man's fantasy.
Enter Zoey...
Saturday was an odd day because I was minding my own business at work and this woman asks me if we have any overtime available for this week for her department. I answer in the affirmative and she said she'd come sign up. As I was heading in from my ciggy, she asked if I was alone in REM that day. Again, in the affirmative being as it was the weekend, and the fact that we're about to be understaffed by 2 people. So, she says cool and states she'll come up to sign up for the OT.
About an hour later, Zoey comes up and knocks on the REM door. I open it and she states she has some questions. I agree to answer and as I head her over to the books, she also blurts out: "I also have a personal question for you if you don't mind." Not really thinking about it, I say "Sure". She asks, "Are you married?" Now, I'm thinking that's an odd question indeed, but answer that I am not. She then states that it's cool and since she'd recently moved up here and didn't know anyone really, if we could exchange numbers and hang out.
Now, let me explain this woman. She's about maybe 5'6" Bleach blonde hair that's rather spikey and just short of shoulder length, bangin body. She's absolutely covered in tats. Both arms completely done. Intricate stuff on her back and stomach and a visible one on the back of her next. The 1st time I saw this woman, I was thinking uber hard rock chick, never give me another glance. And yet, here she just went and basically asked me out.
Now, normaly, my reserved, depressive self would have played it off, but something spoke to me telling me not to pass on this. So, I agree and get some paper and we exchange numbers.
The past couple days have been the "Getting to know each other" phase. To be honest, I was very careful at first. We all know by now my luck with the female half of the species, so I'm being overly cautious. But, comes to find out, Zoey is not at all what looking at her would betray (not that I've ever been a Book By Its Cover kinda guy). She's reserved and shy and extremely self-conscious of herself just like I am. I'm a bit floored. We've been cheated on by a significant other before... But, I am enjoying this for a different reason, and it's not really because of a comparison per se, but everything about her is very Khrys-esque. Current age, child status, all that. So, having learned all that I have, I finally agree for a meeting outside of work where we can sit and talk and maybe solidify things further. I am very interested in who she is now that I've gotten past the whole "This is a dream, no woman could possibly want me" stage, so I'm taking it one step at a time, but remaining very open to it. And it's not because I see Khrys in her. That's not it. I see a completely different woman in Zoey. But, it just feels... How do I say this? "Right" I guess. That's why I trashed all those thoughts I had just under a week ago in 2 days of text message conversation and whatnot.
So... Yeah... This could be good.