Jan 04, 2004 13:39
hahaha, i got this off of nami's dealie. i loooove that my talent is nibbling. i was just saying last night how good i was at poking. which i guess isnt quite the same thing...
salsa dancing last night was mucho fun. the funnest trip yet. we lost erin and then we found her talking to this like 55yr old man. i cant believe he was trying to pick her up. he worked with steel design or something...what the hell. i met this crazy guy with braces who was telling me about him getting his business degree or something, so i just decided to lie and tell him that i was in college and going for my engineering degree. there was really no reason too, but i never do that. i kinda wish now that i'd said something weirder like...i was majoring in poisonous floral management.