Oct 27, 2008 02:48
So, if you have been reading this blog then you know I had a lightining-esque revelation a little while back that what I thought was the ending to my WIP was not and that I had about 20-30,000 more words to go.
That was great.
This flash of insight cleared up the ending, made it stronger, gave the Burgeoning Love Interest a much more involved part, set up the Spin Off Character in a fuller way, and introduced into the world more of the lycanthropes that will be featured in book 2.(yes this is a series.)
My character was stuck in a room, held hostage by the Big Bad along with the Spin Off Character. Being in the room was fine. It was a natural progression of the Kinda-Sorta Nookie scene and it's fallout in the previous chapter. It also gave a small moment of non action to introduce the Main Character to the Spin Off Character (who is intregal to the actual plot. Never fear, I would not just parachute him in for the sake of spinning him off.)
I tried to get them out of that damned room for a week and no matter how much I prodded they wouldn't move.
I tried to tell them "But I know exactly where you are going." but they would have none of it.
Ahhhhh, the breakthrough was glorious. I whipped out 2000 words and viola, they were out of the room and the plot was back afoot.
I mean really awesome.
I mean ten pounds of awesome in a five pound bag.
I mean Dean singing Eye Of The Tiger awesome.
So now you know how awesome it is to be unstuck.