Random Thoughts

Oct 14, 2005 09:12

I'm swamped at work (mandatory overtime again) so just a few outrages and irritations:

1. Bush thinks we need a supreme court justice chosen based on her religious beliefs. I am chock full of pissiness about this one.

2. The next James Bond is.... blond. I'm sorry, but that's so wrong. What happened to Clive Owen?

3. I'm sick again, and so is my entire family (including Nanny Alberta). Interestingly, my boss came to work all week last week with strep throat. Connection? Dunno. But I'm blaming her anyway.

4. Did I mention Mandatory Overtime? (Unpaid overtime, natch, since we're all salaried.) I have no problem doing this occasionally, but having my job held over my head with the requirement of working significantly more than 40 hrs a week for more than three months out of the year sucks ass. Give me a raise, and then we'll discuss more overtime, okay cha-cha?

5. I'm almost out of Zoloft, and my psychopharmacologist won't refill it until I see her. Unfortunately, her office is in the city and she only works three days a week. I cannot, cannot, cannot, take a day off to go see her. How am I supposed to do this? I've been on Zoloft for more than 12 years; do we really need to go through this bullshit? I left a message asking if we can do a phone session and asking her to please call my therapist (who I haven't seen in person in six months because of this fucking job, but at least I've been doing phone sessions). I know my therapist will give her the lowdown that I'm not trying to be irresponsible or anything, but really.... nobody wants to see me go off Zoloft. Won't somebody please think of my children, if nothing else? They don't deserve an unmedicated mom! Jeez, I'm cranky enough being pregnant on meds; I can't fathom what a nightmare I'd be without them.

Bitter? Moi? Naaaah..... I'd just have some chocolate but it doesn't feel good on a sore throat. I'll have some tea instead. Woot, woot.
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