I was tagged! Twice! A long time ago because I suck.

May 17, 2012 19:46

So, the darling and amazing oldenuf2nb and dysonrules both tagged me in that 11 questions meme that's been going around both on LJ and tumblr. And I'm finally getting around to answering them. So there.

Rule 1 - Post the rules
Rule 2- Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3- Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4- Let them know you’ve tagged them! because I can't be bothered and doesn't want to force people to answer whatever boring questions I can come up with :P

Questions from oldenuf2nb:

1. What is your Favorite novel that ISN'T Harry Potter?
I think I'm going to have to say some Danish Fantasy YA novels no-one on here knows :P It's a tie between the "Warrior" trilogy by Josefine Ottesen and "The Devils' War" series (4 books) by Kenneth Bøgh Andersen.

2. Daniel Radcliffe or Robert Pattison?
Fuck. Erm. None? Think I have to go with DanRad, though.

3. Once Upon A Time or Grimm?
Once Upon A Time. Haven't seen Grimm yet and I liked the +/- 10 eps I've watched of OUAT.

4. What is your favorite meal?
Dinner? Erm. A really good lasange I think. Mmmmmmmmmmm....

5. What is the most important thing you learned from your mum?
Fuck. SO MANY IMPORTANT THINGS. Errr. That it's okay to stand up for myself and say 'no' when I don't want to do something. That I shouldn't let everyone walk over me.

6. If someone offered you a million dollars to walk away from your on-line friends, could you do it?
I'd be sorely tempted, but truly, I don't NEED a million dollars like I need my friends! So no, and if I did it anyway I'd regret it so hard.

7. If you had fifteen minutes with God, what would you ask him?
WHAT ARE THESE QUESTIONS?! AAARRGH!!! I'd probably ask him if there is a heaven and if we get to see our dead loved ones when we die. And that if there isn't, why he isn't making one RIGHT NOW?!

8. Have you read Wuthering Heights?

9. Without Googling him, do you know who Bobby Sherman is?

10. Who in fandom would you like to meet that you haven't?
fuuuuck. ermmm... I've met quite a few awesome people so far!!! For which I'm eternally grateful! I'd really like to meet faithwood, stellamoon, bryoneybrynn... but I think I'd like to meet gyzym and fangirl her HARD the most I think. Also: she is awesome. And the only fanfic author who can make me want to read a het story. And like it.

11. Do you think Ron Weasley is actually a good friend?
He definitely has his bad-friend moments, but deep down, when it comes down to it, and he gets over his stupid hangups, yes, I think he's a good friend.

Questions from dysonrules:

1. What is your favourite fic (in any fandom) and why?
AAARGHH!!! WHAT IS UP WITH THESE HARD QUESTIONS?! /o\ I don't really go back and reread favorites a lot and I can't choose one. At all. I think the fic that has given me the most feels are The Price We Pay for Wings by frayach. The story line (but not writing) I adore the most might be Secrets by Vorabiza. Favorite H/D would maybe be Full Spectrum by ... erm... that's silent_auror, right? I might be wrong or In Pieces by Cheryl. Also every Avengers, Inception, Hawaii Five-0 and White Collar fic gyzym's written. There's just SO MUCH GOOD FIC. OH OH OH and A Study in Winning - an awesome Sherlock Tennis AU that owned me. And the Sherlock fic Performance in a Leading Role!!!

2. Coffee or tea?
Brewed: Tea. But latte > tea.

3. Do you remember a special teacher? Who and why?
Yes, I most certainly do. His name was Allan and he thought at the boarding school I was at for 2 years. He was brilliant and talented acting-wise and you just DID NOT want to disappoint him, yanno? One of those teachers you really look up to and want to be proud of you.

4. Have you been anywhere tropical? If yes, would you want to live there or just visit?
Errr. Does Barcelona count as tropical? No it doens't. Then no. And no, I don't think I'd want to live anywhere tropical. Would want to visit a tropical place, though!!!

5. First book you can remember reading?
Fuck. Err. Maybe some translated-to-danish Enid Blython? Or "The Shamer's Daughter" by Lene Kaaberbøl. Yeah, that might be it.

6. Did you ever kiss anyone in the rain?
Nope. Haven't kissed a whole lot of people.

7. Not including Halloween, have you ever dressed in costume in public?
Yes, but it's like a danish tradition called 'Fastelavn', so I've been doing that once a year from since I could hold a bat (don't ask, it's a strange tradition) until it became "too childish".

8. Tie preference: Wide, narrow, string, bow or other?
Whatever Harvey from Suits wears :P

9. What colour and style are your underwear right now (assuming you are wearing them - yes, I had to go there)?
One piece black and the other bright pink. Both very plain, nothing special.

10. Do you prefer a hard or soft mattress?
My own weird somehow-both-hard-and-soft mattress :P

11. Favourite board game?
Settlers or Bezzerwizzer.
There you go guys! :P

julie anno 2012, meme, i have priority issues

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