For brilliant and sweet and incredible ficcage ♥ :
Rehearsing LifeBeta:
maja_liFandom: Merlin RPS
Pairing: Bradley/Colin
Rating: PG
Warnings: RPS
Word Count: ~900
Summary: And sure enough here it was again. Colin's stomach did this thing that felt like racing down the what's-it-called in Park Asterix. Half panic, half joy. Then Bradley's hand was gone and Bradley himself was smiling with an innocence that was nothing but unnerving.
This is sweet and awesome and brilliant and completely unexpected! GO READ AND GIVE HER THE LOVE SHE DESERVES!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
Draco's Tender KissCharacters: Harry/Draco, students
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 605
Summary: After a stay in the infirmary, Harry only wants to see Draco.
The ever awesome Jae wrote me this OH SO SWEET ficlet to my prompt of Tender Kisses! :D xD ♥
For awesome virtual gifts ♥ :
faithwoodlkaetaccioscarcassie_black12bryoneybrynncleo_jaybrissygirlnursedarry For PRETTY BOYS ♥ :
Alaana_Fairphoenixacid and the
For the sweetest "happy birthdays"s ♥ :
lijahloveremzlovesharry ...who also might be in process of drawing me a little drawble \o/ *cuddles her to bits*