My iPod went flying into the toilet.
I tired a towel, a hair drier and now it's on the heater in the hallway. Pt the click wheel does not work.
If it isn't going to miraculously fix itself: edit: WHICH IT DID ON THE HEATER! O_O I can't believe my luck some days... *\o/* XD
*waves 'bye bye' to iPhone dreams* :( *re-clings to iPhone dreams xD*
And I'll hopefully be able to collect enough money at Christmas to get an iPod Touch. Which isn't bad either *grins* ...and I'll get mobile Internet access earlier xP
There isn't anybody out there who has 'waterdamaged iPod' cures? *puppy eyes* Many thanks to
fireflavored who was quicker than my iPod xb if it wasn't enough that in school my laptop almost died (and I mean for good!) on me today.
*headdesk* *dances* :D
On another note: I wrote PWP in religion *\o/* When I finish it some other time I'm bored in school I'll post it *grins* It's a sort of sequel to my other
'written in school PwP drabble'.
Happy Monday, all! (does such a thing even exist? O.o)