Jan 07, 2006 13:00
Chords was dead, yet again. To which I can say, why are we doing this? I'm hoping for something more, like people and dancing. However apparently people don't care about dancing I guess. Ate at Denny's, had a Moon's Over My Hammy, minus the ham. Really struggling here, not to much to say about yesterday. Going out again tonight - hope that is fun, however Meghan can't make it till sometime around 1:00, so I'll be sort of well not out of it, but a bit distracted, I'll just eat a lot and make conversation to try to keep me entertained. I feel like such a cornball, because lately all my entries seemed so one topic. Hodge apparently found Susan's myspace page, made it a point to say hello. Mom and Dad decided to get into it this morning about dumb shit, again. Mom talked about going out to lunch, and Dad decided he wanted to go out, then Mom all of a sudden became to busy with house work to go out. I swear to God, nobody in this house is allowed to be happy, and I am so sick of arguing. Sister is over with stuff to take back to Wal-Mart, however I figure that Mom will have enough time to go do that, but not eat lunch, I guess she'll just have a Salem Light Lunch, which she has gotten really good at doing. I feel like such a hypocrite talking about someone else's smoking, but I don't substitute a good meal with a smoke. However I'm working on smoking less, however those Dunhill's didn't help. Looks like it's Padrino's for lunch, hmm. I like Padrino's but damn we eat that shit all the time.
Does anybody else see why I need a job, with money to move out?