Other friends that were much closer to Kim (
psyco_chick32) have posted their feelings on her passing, and how they will miss her... After the initial disbelief and sadness I found myself needing something to connect to... and found writing that outlet for catharsis...
The final chapter of Answering the Call is up -
Saying Goodbye I had been putting off working on this last chapter, in some ways because I really didn't know how to write some of the scenes. I haven't ever been at a loss for dialog, but this time I was. I knew I had 2 things to do - transition the team out and have Kat's funeral. I had always had the chapter titled Saying Goodbye because this was the farewell to the team's time together once again, to the rangers autonomy and to Kat. Never in my deepest nightmares would I have found that writing that funeral scene would be the chance for me to get out of my system all the pain and loss and futility and anger at Kim no longer being here with all of us.
So in the most horrible of ways, Kim helped me finish this story... and I will always think of her when I think of this story.
We love and miss you Kim.
Ms. J.