So since the last time I updated here, I have had 3 more chapters of my Haven post season 2 story
Brothers in Arms posted. Tonight I was able to complete and post
chapter 16 of Answering the Call.
This is where I thank my wonderful husband for having a game convention this weekend so I could concentrate at home on getting these chapters out and updating here. I love him but it is so much easier concentrating on nothing but writing when he's out of the house.
Here's hoping that the last couple chapters of AtC go faster than the last 16 and that BiA (the acronym someone gave the Haven story) continues to keep marching forward. I do realize I have other commitments (
Helping Hand is being updated as it comes and at some point a final chapter for
Die Another Day WILL get completed - it actually is started, just not finished; maybe when the DVD's come out this December...).
To my readers who come here for updates, thank you all for your continued support; I appreciate ALL of you more than I can say.
Ms. J.