So the last chapter of
Forced Perspective is up... I think it ends at a good place and this now leaves me with one less story to fuss with.
This last week RL has kicked my writer's ass and I have done very little writing (I did post last Monday but it was a chapter that was done except for some editing) which makes me worry that the muses have been scared off by the drama in my personal life.
Speaking of which, I will be heading to Lincon, Nebraska on Wednesday for my sister in law's wedding. This is bound to be stressful, and potentially a cluster F$$$ of epic proportions so I am crossing my fingers that everything goes well at least on the day of the wedding and everyone can be happy and get along (me included!). Which also means that I may or may not come back with lots of writing done in the downtime that may or may not happen. Either way, I will continue to persevere with the fanfic on deck. However I am thinking of scrapping a few things (which will probably make some fans unhappy):
- Juxtaposition will NOT be updated. It really did end great where it was and the only things I coulod have done (besides try to solve what will be season 4's whole arch) is do some Lanie, Javier and Kevin bonding with Castle, some teasing of the new couple, some PT scenes (which I have too much familiarity with) and a discussion between Rick and Kate around who in federal law enforcement they could get help from and bring up Will as well as Jordan Shaw, leading to the discussion over which would be more uncomfortable - Kate's old boyfriend or Rick's fed crush.
- The X-Files/Haven crossover is dead. I had such high hopes for it but beyond a few scenes I just couldn't get it to gel.
- I will finish 1 more chapter of Die Another Day and call it done... I just don't see where I want to go with it and so as long as I get it to a point in the next chapter that has a bright future I'm closing it up too.
- My Covert Affairs fic is also dead... I realized it was way too dark and I really didn't know how I was getting the characters out on the other side so I'm just gonna let it go.
Of course Answering the Call is on the back end of its run and should be complete in a few more chapters, so that's a non-issue. As well I'm writing chapters for Helping Hand as I feel them, so I'm working on the house sex chapter, and wil go from there. I am still trying to figure out the reason Audrey and Nathan could be on Duke's boat to have sex in his cabin...
Anyway, I'm still working on what I've got open and once its all done... well, I'll go from there.
Thanks everyone for hanging in there with me...
Ms. J.