Adventures in Fanfic

Aug 22, 2011 19:26

I have decided that no muses are actually almost preferable to too many. YIKES!

So, I started posting today my other Haven story - Forced Perspective. Technically it can be considered a sequel to Perspective which I posted earlier in the month, but doesn't need to be read together.

The reason I say I have too many fandom muses is simple: Besides this new story, I'm considering making Helping Hand a series, have started a Haven/X-Files crossover, have Answering the Call and Die Another Day still on deck, considered adding chapters to my Castle story Juxtaposition and have also toyed with a Covert Affairs fic.


Okay, I am really wondering if the decision to dinish all my current fic and move on to the book is somehow making the fanfic muses flock to me to keep me from focusing on finishing what I have open... contrary muses!

Anyhow, as usual, I'll keep you updated here.

Ms. J.

muses, fanfic, too many stories, haven

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