READ THIS: (or at least #3)

Nov 14, 2004 18:46

man i haven't updated this thing in a while. but now i actually have something worth whining about so here goes...

(1) last night i went down to a piercing place in Mission Beach and let's just say right now i can barely move my tongue/breathe through my mouth. it is insanely swollen, but i think it's starting to get better than it was before. however, it sucks because i haven't been able to eat anything in over 24 hours and i am starting to get fucking hungry.

(2) I have a midterm tomorrow morning, which i have to study for all night. luckily, i've been kinda studying for it all week, which is unusual, so i'm already pretty prepared and it's not horrible if i don't feel like studying a lot due to my mouth.

(3) THIS IS THE BIG ONE. last weekend, Andy called me and said he found our dog carrying a spine in our driveway. we're not talking about a rabbit spine or something. This thing was about 2 inches in diameter and probably 1.5 feet long. My assumption was that it was a coyote. Our dogs have been getting out of the fence lately and we didn't know what they were doing.

Today when I came downstairs, my mom said, "We have to put Sandy to sleep." Shocked by finding out that my healthy dog had suddenly become too sick to continue living, I asked what was wrong. Apparently one of our neighbors came to the door, asking if we knew anything about her 3 goats that have been killed over the last couple weeks (the most recent of which occurred ~15 minutes before she arrived at the door). The signs already kinda pointed to them, but not as far as the lady knew. However, when my mom looked over at Sandy, his face was covered in blood. since he is ugly and has killed animals, we are assuming we can't find a new home for him, so he has to be killed.

before I left my house to go back to school tonight, I made my mom take a couple pictures of me with him, and then i pet him for the last time.
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