Well this year I spent very little time at the con itself. I did do everything I set out to do and find everything I wanted. Despite my lack of time in Indy i would say this was my favorite GenCon of the two I've been to. (Thanks in part to the company I had.)
It was nice to see the guys from Continuum again this year and be able to touch base with Charles Erdman, but the best contact I made was with a group called
Fantasist Enterprises. FE is a great looking publishing company dealing in not only novels and anthologies but comic books as well. At the present time they are looking for tales influenced by Asian folklore, no later than the 1800's. This is for a collecton of short stories due out some time in 2008. While this is not my usual direction i have been brainstorming on a great idea I plan to sumbit for the anthology.
I had looked at this company's website before heading to Indy so I was on the lookout for them and I was happy to finally find them and be able to talk with Writer/editor Christina Callabro. Christina was even nice enough to sign the copy of FE's Modern Magic, I picked up to get a feel for the standard set for me.
So far I am really loving the book and Christina's story was nothing short of chillingly amazing. Over all I am very stoked about the chance to submit to FE and I would ask any of my friends, who are like minded, to submit as well. In my eyes this is a good company on the way up.
After meeting and talking with FE I found my way to Indy's
Claddagh Irish Pub.
Believe me this is an experience I will not soon forget. It was great to walk into a pub where my favorite drink (Guinness) is the house favorite. After a couple draughts I had the pleasure of trying Guinness in a way I never had before...in an Irish car bomb!
Now before everyone thinks I've gone all terrorist, let me explain. An Irish car bomb is a half a pint of Guinness with a shot of Jameson Irish Whiskey and Bailey's Irish Cream floating on the shot. The way to drink it is to drop the shot into the glass and slam it back as fast as you can before it curddles. I know it sounds like a lot of work but it's worth it for a great tasting time that hit like you want it to.
Well I guess that's just about all for me...but before I go I want to say Congrats to my long lost friend
B. B. Walter on Sister Light, Book One: Of Shadows. I have known this young lady for a long time and I am happy to see that her book is published and I wish her all the success in the world.
Thanks for checking this out and be safe.
J. Trav