Nov 03, 2009 08:54
So I *am* trying Nanowrimo again this year. I haven't won one yet, though I did win Julnowrimo this summer.
So far - I started off Sunday strong with a respectable 2280 words, but yesterday I woke up miserable with a cold and only managed 111.
Considering I only got through two pages of my accounting book when I tried to make the best of the day home and study if I couldn't get at the creative juices, I wasn't up for much. Actually I slept pretty much all day, and then went to bed at like 10 and slept till the alarm this morning.
Still head-cold-y. Going to call in to work today though I did drag myself in long enough to go to tax class now at 10:30. That class is so messed up it would take broken bones or something to keep me out of the actual classes we're going to get.
So I've got an hour before class to try and get my days words in today and the rest of the day is schoolwork playing catch-up from the weekend and yesterday being sick. I've got an assignment due thursday and a midterm friday but I think unless I have another day like yesterday I'll get everything done.
I have two mottos in life that do me well when I have a lot of stuff to work through and they're from two of my all-time favorite movies.
1. Don't Panic.
2. Just Keep Swimming.
Which is basically the same as what my dad tends to say "start at the beginning and keep going until you reach the end".
Hope Novembers going good for everybody and that you guys are all being healthy :D