Aug 11, 2009 09:15
Yeah, I did julnowrimo last month so that got a little crazy. I wrote a novel. It's a crappy first draft, but I did it. I'm pretty happy.
Now back to my previously scheduled projects lol. I was working on some fanfics and I've totally lost my place in them, I should have made better notes.
So then I had my last week or so of work, my last day was yesterday. Not a bad summer placement, but not very long. I'll probably start trying to find a new job to continue into fall when I get back.
Get back from Nan's. I'm headed to the west coast with dad tomorrow, because I wanted to go see Nan before school starts. It'll be pretty nice to get over there for a few days I guess.
So speaking of fandom, so much stuff.
- I never really got the kirk/spock thing really. I'm sitting here now watching Wrath of Kahn, and okay yeah, I see it now. I grew up on TNG so I've seen some reruns of original and a few of the movies (The one with the whales - IV - comes on tv a lot, and we own Generations) but I haven't watched much original since I was old enough to 'get' it.
TV: There are a bunch of good shows out now that are hopefully proving that good tv sells, too.
- Psych started Friday with an episode set in BC lol - fun times. They had the Dread Pirate Roberts guest starring too, so that was pretty awesome.
- Burn Notice: what is with me starting to watch shows just when they're going on months-long hiatuses? I did the same thing with Chuck. I don't know how I'm going to last.
- speaking of Chuck: been working on getting other people watching it. Doing pretty well because you just can't not like Chuck once you give it a try.
- Hells Kitchen: guilty treat! IT's on the go again as well, and they're competing for a restaurant in Whistler for the olympics (which I guess is why they started early)
what else? I feel like there was something else.
Oh, I downloaded a free trial of City of Heroes. Playing a villain, cause I mean, come on, haven't you always kind of wanted to rob a bank?
Going back to it as soon as Khan is over.
P.S. those ear worm things are disgusting and I'm going to be paranoid about bugs for the next little while for sure.