Ouroboros Round Robin - 6.2

May 07, 2009 19:07

Usual warnings, some bad language, adult themes etc :)

Follow the stinky baby!

Usual warnings, some bad language, adult themes etc :)

We rejoin the latest generation of the Ouroboros clan pretty much where we left off: trying to deal with so many more kids than any two sims should ever have to handle at one time, with um... only marginal success. With the expansion of the quadruplets into toddler-size, they had to fit a ton more stuff into their little 3x2 block house - and the potties got relegated to the back porch. If little Yupa looks a bit :( in this picture, it could be because her nether regions are FREEZING.

Yeah, no cute potty training faces for the exhausted father of quadruplets, sorry gaiz :( Eyes all glazed, mouth hanging ajar, shoulders slumped, you can tell Henrik is pretty much having trouble even staying upright at this point.

Henrik: God kid, hurry up and pee, daddy needs to lie down *teeters*
Gotta love the festering plate of food in the background. This whole picture really sums up the quads toddlerhood pretty well really >__<;;

Sims seem to adapt pretty fast though to their new parenting responsibilities - look at Henrik, snorking in Eau du Babbystink with a loving little smile on his face. Just charming :3


Serena's face says it all, doesn't it. Guess that WAS a baby jingle last update... now watch me have meltdown now trying to keep everyone green and happy - I'm seriously too much of a control freak for more than four kids at once!

No time for housekeeping when you have four kiddliwinks to take care of - or more correctly, there's time but ONLY ENOUGH to take the rubbish half way to the door and then dump it unceremoniously on the loungeroom floor when some toddler starts nagging you. I can't understand how they never got cockroaches, seriously, since this was pretty much the daily routine.

Henrik: Teddy... te-ddy!
Yupa: How DARE you presume to patronise me servant! I sneer in distaste at your asinine parental overtures!
Well, it sounded more like "babu di za doo bla" or something but look at her face, you can tell EXACTLY what she's trying to get across.
(Oh yeah HELLO plumb-bob, stressed Jo is getting laaazy :P)

Not all the parenting is received so poorly though. Avery seems happy enough. But it could just be that it's MUM doing the teaching and not dad - seriously all Serena's kids are always like obsessed with her. Mum is most DEFINITELY the word in the Ouroboros household.

WHOA and it's baby time already!!
(lol I told you I'd start forgetting to take pictures with so many kids in the house - three screenies between the first bloomp and the birth, good work me >_>)

AND YEP, bloody family sims - it's ferking twins. First is a little girl, who I apparently thought it would be lols to call Ebenezer Scrooge (A Christmas Carol).

The second is another girl - Uriel Septim (Oblivion game).
Hmm, yeah, anyone noticing that uhh... genetic diversity, THEIR KIDS DO NOT HAS IT. So far all six bebes have Serena's skin, hair and eyes. Starting to think maybe she's secretly just self pollinating to get clones of her prettiful self, rather than actually involving Henrik's inferior, human genetic material at all. >_>
(I felt super bad though for Henrik, cos like maaan, he's a family sim and none of the kids look anything like him DX)

Lols promotions. Can't quite explain why the chick in the "HAI I BROUGHT FRIEND" notification has a brown fringe, but the actual real life version getting out of their super pimpin' ride has white elder-hair.

Avery, doing what she does best - being a little cutie. I think the enormous +2500!!! is from whichever of the quads is behind her getting learned stuffs by Serena.

Prooobably this one! Hai Xavier :D
Nett is so right they really do love that bear jumpsuit possibly a little TOO much. It actually looks a bit weird to me now when I see a toddler not wearing one, I've gotten so used to fuzzy little sims.

I have no idea when someone managed to get the time to build a snowman, but here it is! Maybe it just spontaneously blossomed out of the snow like a mushroom popping out of an underground fungus.

Every toddler successfully taught something is like some epic triumph when you have that many, so yay! Also, welcome to chapter 2 Jean-luc Picard! Yeah... Jo fails at getting screenies of everyone :P
All right, time to just get some cute toddlers + parents spam out of the way because there's just nothing that witty to say about it XD. So sit back, relax, enjoy, let the adorableness caress you:

Awww. Don't we all feel warm and fuzzy inside now? As warm and fuzzy as a small swarm of identically bearsuited toddling mini-sims? Precious.

Well it certainly wasn't an honour to have your service, stinky Ian butler :T When you seem to think it's more important to serve up a meal of burnt salmon for the two adults who are like, ASLEEP IN THE OTHER ROOM than to change/feed/put to bed the squalling toddlers swarming around your feet - it's SAYONARA TO YOU!!

Time seriously flies D: Also:
1. Woot evidence of my awesome awesome naming scheme 8D.
2. OMG I TOOK NO SCREENSHOTS OF THE BABIES AFTER THEY WERE BORN. Fail :( Poor little neglected Ebenezer Scrooge and Uriel Septim. Well actually, they weren't neglected, but I HAVE NO EVIDENCE OF THAT NOW DO I?? *shakes fist* FOR ALL YOU KNOW THEY WERE KEPT IN A DARK DRAWER AND FED ON BOTTLED GRUEL!!!!! T_T

In shifts again, we have BIRTHDAYS++. I only bothered to screenshot the girls for some reason out of the quads, but imagine this exact scene with the two boys and you totally know exactly what you're missing out on... e.g. not a whole lot.

Avery who is delightfully squish faced and apprehensive and I love it. Stats are 7 neat, 7 outgoing, 10 active, 5 playful, 6 nice. (yeah she's one of those little miss perfect 35 pointer children lol)

Yupa, looking as cheeky as she did as a toddler - never a bad thing. Stats are 6 neat, 10 outgoing, 10 active, 4 serious, 5 nice. (Jaysus another 35 pointer, I hadn't even paid attention until now.)

Jean-Luc Picard, who has really wiggly eyebrows but is much cutes despite it. 10 neat, 7 outgoing, 4 lazy, 7 playful, 6 nice. (34 total so still pretty good!)

Xavier, who looks a fair bit like Avery when he doesn't have this funny little smile actually... stats be 3 messy, 7 outgoing, 3 lazy, 10 playful, 7 nice. (30 so a bit short of the others but he has all the most important stats :D plus messy sims are always funnier)

The nursery gets refurbished into a kids room with ABSOLUTELY NO COLOUR SCHEME MY GOD WHAT WAS I THINKING. Lemon yellow striped walls with a grass green carpet, NOT COOL >_<
Anyway, I got rid of all the cribs cos I figure the new toddlers can totally just sleep on the pet beds >__> Yeah, getting really really slack with the whole parenting thing, but six kids under the age of five will do that to you lol.

Then it's the twins' turn... and I couldn't help but notice Henrik's wants panel :T Family sims, seriously. THEY'RE NOT PRINGLES, YOU GUYS. ONCE YOU POP, YOU CAN INDEED STOP.

Ebenezer Scrooge makes me ALMOST COMBUST FROM THE ADORABLE. Seriously, just look at that little face. Awwww. AWWWWW. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW *gets a cramp in her jaw from aww'ing too much*

Uriel Septim is... well.... the hair isn't helping since it makes her look like a little boy, I.. I'm sure the face will improve as well? Got some interesting planes there, but hopefully childhood will soften them out.
The tiny shrunken seal ears I really can't explain though, I mean really, wut? I swear neither of the parents have that O_O Surely...

Look at her EAR. That is some TINY, TINY EAR. Do the other siblings have that? O__O


Serena's ears look pretty normal, but do I see a bit of crushed mini seal ear action here on Henrik? I can't really tell - or quite understand it if there is LAWL I definitely don't intentionally give my playables tiny seal ears. :x Ah well I may have just accidentally given the next generation a... a quirk? >_> hey, we've had potential eye stalks... at least seal ears could be cute? >_>

Homie Snowman: Yooooo wassup beyotch?

It never ends, does it Henrik? As soon as one generation is sorted as far as walking and talking and not pooping in their pants, another round starts. Wait, who am I kidding. He's a family sim! He thrives off the smell of dirty nappies and soaking bottles and the dulcet tones of babies screeching so loud they scar their vocal cords. Um, well, I guess... enjoy bro...

Aww, well, Uriel Septim may be the most awkward so far out of her siblings, but she's still darn cute as toddler standards go in my neighbourhood. (Seriously, go look at Benedict and Otis Jnr Kreechur >_<)

Hmm, I just noticed Avery's transition outfit and I gotta say - not 100% sure on this one. I mean, does ANYONE really need a dress that unzips to the crotch - let alone an eight year old? It looks a bit uncomfortably like something a stripper might wear for a stage show :x

Ahhh, scenes of domestic bliss, right? Kids playing, talking to their friends, all very charming...

Until you notice that the groceries Henrik's carrying in have been sitting on the curb for like a sim WEEK and apparently have a trail of stink coming off them, and there's a stinky nappy on the porch for some reason. Yeah, the Ouroboroses still haven't quite got their game together since the arrival of their squadron of children.

And the maid has to stumble home, still not finished the cleaning, when 5 pm rolls around... cos the house is just THAT FETID.

Homie snowman is immortal, everlasting. His spirit will live on forever, long after his mortal shell has melted back down into mother earth, man. Peace.

Somehow I get the feeling that Serena's had this promotion before, don't you? YEAH CAMP DIRECTOR SAND-COOTER WE STILL REMEMBER YOU BITCH :T
but YAY PROMOTION all the same.

Aww lookit Henrik finding the time to be all domestic like, serving up the bisketti for his brood of kids and his wifey.
Yeah the changing table has also migrated outside lol XD the nursery is filled up with beds! There was NO OTHER ROOM OKAY!? D:

That is NOT YOUR spaghetti, nanny. Get your greasy hands off it and go do you job :T
I'm pretty much sure there's six kids in this house and so much dirt that the maid had to go home without finishing, so I know there's work you should be doing instead of sitting there nomming down the food Henrik served up FOR HIS FAMILY BETCH. FOR HIS FAMILYYY. :T

Ebenezer Scrooge? Honey? As fun as that might seem, especially since mummy is busy bathing your twin and can't stop you from doing it right now, the shower is already broken and leaving ginormous puddles everywhere, so the bathroom floor already has more water than it should have, promise...

-_-... can't half tell they're twins.
Lol'ing at Ebenezer Scrooge's "WRRYYYY" face in the background, too.

Husband and wife stealing a bit of a kiss in between feeds and bathing and helping with homework and cooking meals. Nothing wrong with that, right? All above board, completely!

Yyyeah. Mmmm, dirty nappies... can't say I'd be feeling particularly sexy with the smell of that hanging in the air around me. Still, they ARE family sims... even if Serena's only half :P I guess Eau du Babbystink really IS their thing.

Really going to have to start working out a way to squeeze an extra couple of bathrooms into the lot soon. Once the toddlers hit childhood that will be one bathroom between EIGHT of them... and this is already pretty much the scene in the hallway outside the bathroom permanently. GETTING THE HATES ON FOR YOUR FAMILY, HOW DARE THEY INTRUDE ON YOUR BATHROOM TIME DX

And even though the repairman more or less LIVES at the Ouroboros residence these days, the bathroom is always occupied, so he still hasn't managed to get in there long enough to fix that broken shower. When Yupa got out of the bath it went all SCUNGY GREEN FILM OF SCUM ish as well so I'm guessing the maid isn't having much more success than the repairman.

Background for this shot - it's about 3 pm on a weekend, both Serena and Henrik are at work. The nanny arrived oh, about 10 am, when Henrik toddled off to be one of ~THE DANCERS~, she wandered up the steps, and has stood here ever since. Yep, for FIVE HOURS. And not like there's anything to do, you know...

No toddlers crawling around in soggy nappies, leaving behind whole COLONIES of Ball of Stink™'s friends and relatives...

No childrens' play areas carpeted in filthy nappies and stinking bottles of spoiled milk...
(eew seriously that dirty nappy is TOUCHING AVERY'S BUTT D: girl, scooch forward a few inches SRSLY)

No kids sproinging around on Henrik and Serena's bed, with a broken bone or a few dental crowns just a misplaced foot away...
(seriously, not kidding about the dental crowns, when my little sister was about four she was jumping between the two beds in the room she shared with her twin, tripped and CRACKED herself face first into the METAL FRAME on the side of the bed. Knocked like five of her front teeth out - only baby teeth, thank GAWD, but still one of the most traumatic things I can remember and it didn't even happen TO ME >___<;;;)

But yeah, pretty much, I know the sims-nanny-is-fail thing is like totally cliche. But that was the most epic moment of fail nanny I've seen. So.
in case we're not clear. D8

See, nanny? This is what neglect does to children T__T turns them to VIOLENCE. Turns them AGAINST ONE ANOTHER. Won't you please think of the children!?

Avery and Yupa being totally cute, aww, but what's really interesting about this screen shot is... why does their house have SO MANY phone books? O_o;; I mean, really, where would you even keep that immense trove of phone books? You'd have to have a whole cabinet or something devoted to them...

<33 Ebenezer Scrooge

Jean-Luc Picard and Serena having a little dancey dance in the living room.
(The bunny toy in the background looks like it has a GIANT DERANGED GRIN. Do they always look like that O_O how have I not noticed this before if so?? D:)

Gratuitous shot of Henrik's wanky dance outfit (and have you noticed he's kept through like four or five promotions? Slack, Maxis, for serious!) And does anyone know what the point is of having one leg rolled up on the tracky pants? Does it actually serve some function or is it pure wank? XD I'd like to think the latter, but you know, maybe one leg gets hotter than the other when you're a ~DANCER~

LOL okay? The nanny seriously wandered up to little Uriel Septim playing away with the dollhouse, SHOVED HER RIGHT OUT OF THE WAY, and started just playing with it by herself. Look, Uriel's still got her little hands up like "Wh... where did it go??"
Classic moments in child care.

BOOGIE ON DOWN, NANNY. Rock out with your cock out.
(this is the only reason I didn't fire the nanny, lol, she's hilarious. Totally useless as a babysitter, but as comedic relief? Priceless.)

Then I noticed that there were these random sims like, just running around up and down the steps and around the front porch, for no apparent reason.

Then the chick just RAN INTO MY HOUSE and I'm like ok wtf home invasion!?! :O, and the dude was still meandering around all anxiously. So I'm going, wtf? And started panning over my lot thinking things were starting to massively bug out or SOMETHING. But uh... yeah so it turns out...


SO! I guess the tree that was in the backyard got struck by lightning, and has just been burning away with none of my sims - or me - noticing at all. Thank god for nosy walkbys I guess otherwise the whole back garden could have been just a huge mound of ash :x

TWO firemen D: Yeah, but the time one got there the tree had set the back wall on fire lol... so he called in reinforcements! :O

Aww, you totes saved the day Mr Fireman.
(Um, but, is it just me or does that fireman really, really look like a chick? OKAY, SING IT WITH AEROSMITH GUYS....)

The tree managed to burn down into some ashes planks of wood, a bedknob and a ... metal spring? *scratches head* Not sure if that quite works, guys...

That's it for chapter two! Apologies for lack of lolz... DX baby centric updates are always the hardest to write and Serena and Henrik are SOOO BABY CENTRIC DAMMIT!!

ouroboros, sims 2, round robin, legacy

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