For all you LJers out there:

Aug 22, 2006 19:24

It's looking like I'll be going to Dayton, Ohio to see BUCKCHERRY September 17th!!! Holy crap! If I could go see any band ever, this would be IT. Their music will be a staple in my life until the day I die, and to go see them live would be nothing short of fantasmo (thanks, lol). Plans are in the making. I'm meeting Lij to discuss it more on Thursday and probably order the tickets Friday. Excited doesn't really do justice to how I feel about it right now!

Other than that... blah... haha. Ran around with Beth some this weekend. Tryin' to stash away what money I can and still enjoy myself. A few of us have had a trip to Piegon Forge planned for a few months now, which is coming up this weekend. That's sure to be a blast. Out of everything, I'd actually have to say I'm looking forward most to the poker game in the hotel whatever night. I just love to play poker, not much else to say about it... and I won the last time we all got together to play, by the way... lol.

Work is going pretty well. I feel better about it the more I get cut loose, as far as the work itself goes. The days where I have left at the end of the month are sooo hard though. When there's nothing to do, it's pure hell, plain and simple. The clock does NOT move haha. I'm understanding most of it now, getting it under my scope, not so overwhelmed... Mostly smiles here on the homefront.

Ahh, I'd be amiss if I didn't speak more of the homefront. I suppose the new marriage is going well. From what little I see, anyway. She's started cooking a few meals now, which have all been pretty good. At least I don't have to take care of that every evening anymore. It's a matter of time, I feel, before she wants to watch something other than westerns lol. Wonder how long she'll hang in there before Bob plays the Lone Ranger again? (hahaha! I made a western-themed pun! ... God... westerns... blah...)
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