But your tears bring a little... London... for me...

May 21, 2006 16:31

Stolen From JoshRose

200: My name is: Jonathan Puckett

199: I was born on: October 22, 1984

198. I am a(n): Male

197. My eye color is: Blue + Yellow = Green

195. My shoe size is: 11.5

194. My ring size is: Pretty damn small haha

193. What is your Favorite Color? It changes from day to day, right now: crimson red

192. My height is: not sure haha

193. I'm allergic to : Brad

190. I live in: Lick Creek, VA

189. The last book I read: my AIS book, shew...

188. My bed time is: whenever I feel the need

187. First Screen name?: "Puckett", I guess...

186. Current Screen name?: depends on where I am

179. My favorite Holiday is: Columbus Day

178. The perfect kiss is: some passion is all you need for a perfect kiss lol

177. The last three cd's i have listened to are: Buckcherry - "15", The Darkness - "One Way Ticket To Hell... And Back", and The 69 Eyes - "Paris Kills"

176. Last song that made me cry was: Shania Twain - "I'm Gonna Get Ya", obviously those weren't tears of sadness lol

172. My most treasured possession(s) is: my old tan "no boundaries" hat that Beth gave me... I've tried to retire it like 3 times

171. My "keep-safe box": Just an old dresser I throw stuff in

170. What did you do last night: Watched the All-Star race at the Garage and dominated some beer pong

167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): burn

:::::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:::::

143. Santa: no, cause Santa doesn't really wear Reebok's haha

142. Love at First Sight: No... Love is only a feeling... drifting away... lol

141. Luck: No, you make your own luck

140. Fate: No. I don't believe everything happens for a reason. If you wanna say that, then the reason is because you're in that place at that time and the circumstances directed the event to occur.

139. God: From time to time

138. Aliens: nah

137. Heaven: see God

136. Hell: see above

135. Ghosts: no

134. Horoscopes: no, how ridiculous... good for a laugh though

133. Soul mates: I might say yes if I didn't know better... I think you can be compatible with more than one person out there; it's just settling on one of them that's the issue

:::::Which is Better?:::::

129. Hugs or Kisses: a perfect kiss with a light hug hah

128. Drunk or High: drunk I suppose

127. Phone or online: Online... doesn't tie you down quite as much

126. Red heads or Brown hair: wow... hard one... I'm gonna go with the red heads on this

125. Blondes or Brunettes: blondes

124. lamb and tuna or peanut butter and jelly: PB & J

123. pool or darts: I love'em both

122: sci-fi or horror: horror

121: boys or girls: better what? haha

120. Night or Day: Night

119. Oranges or Apples: oranges (clementine)

118. Curly or Straight hair: straight

:::::What comes to your head ?:::::

117. Scary: being alone

115. Backstabber: too many to list here and now

116: Parents: nothing

110. School: over
:::::Last time?::::::::

103. Missed someone: when I read that question

102. Hugged someone: today

101. Seen someone you haven't seen in a while: today

90. Who's the ditziest person you know? Bella

89. Who makes you laugh the most: everyone at the garage haha

87. One thing I'm mad about right now: people

83. The last movie I saw in the theater was: King Kong

82. The thing I don't understand is: why people are never satisfied and always self-serving... like it gives them no feeling of accomplishment when they help another person and no feeling of guilt when they hurt someone

79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex: that's a hard question to answer right now... get back to me in a few hehe

78. This summer: we head out into the full-time workforce

77. Next year will be: hopefully better than these last 2

76. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: all the memories I've made here

75. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most is: tonight... then next weekend, then the weekend after that hehe and not just because it's the weekend, it's because of the plans

::::::what are you doing?:::::::

71. Tomorrow: waiting for NCH to call me and say I'm cleared and/or go pick up my degree

72. Today: eh just waitin around till the evening

71. Next Summer: how the hell do you expect me to know that right now? lol

70. Next month: catch up...

64. The person I have been good friends with the longest: Bise

62. The person who knows the most about me is: Probably Bise or Wes

61. The person that can read me the best is: anyone who knows me, I wear my feelings pretty openly haha

60. The most difficult thing to do is: keep someone happy

59. I have gotten a speeding ticket: back in '02... 90 in a 55 lol

58. I have the sibilings: no full ones biologically... a half-brother but I haven't seen him in at least 10 years

56. My zodiac sign is: Libra

55. The first person I was in love with was: Teri

54.Who do you feel most comfortable with? my friends and other people that I know are upbeat & will do about anything for a laugh

53. The one person who can't hide things from me: it's pretty hard to hide things from me... I tend to get a pretty good read on people

51. Right now I am talking on the phone to: no one

48. I have a job : at NCH, staff accountant

47. I have a pet(s): a dog named Baby

46. I hope: I'll be happy someday and stay that way... that'd be nice haha

45. The worst sound in the world: that silence between when you know bad news is coming, you look at them, and they take that deep breath before beginning... your stomach just starts dropping through the floor

44. The person that made me cry the most is: The doctor that told mom she had cancer

43. Have You ever done drugs? no, although MANY people thought I did in high school because of my longer hair and who some of my friends were (before they threatened to kill for no real reason haha, but that's another story)

33. My favorite piece of clothing is: my Scotland t-shirt

32. My favorite sport is: tennis, followed closely by beer pong

31. Last time I cried: a couple weekends ago at the garage haha

28. The church I attend: I don't attend

27. Last person I got mad at: John Madden... his damn game cheated me haha cause NO ONE circles the wagons like the BUFFALO BILLS!!!

26. My worst experience I've ever had was: the part of my life I wasted a couple years ago, I wish I could have that time back

22. The all-time best movie is: oh god... Braveheart!!!

21. The all-time best thing in the world is: Mi Finca... lol okay seriously, umm... friends and family, people that actually care a little

20. So, about them Canadians: I have a Canadian friend, she's pretty cool hah

19. The most annoying thing ever is: people who don't reason

18. The most annoying person you know is: I'll elect not to say that here, athanks

17. I lose all respect for people who: are selfish and inconsiderate

16. I hate: if you don't know what I hate from my profile or this survey, then I'm sorry... can't help ya anymore

15. I Like: dirty sleazy rock, laughing, getting to know people, to help

14. My Favorite Day is: Saturday

13. My Favorite Month is: October

12. My Favorite band is: Buckcherry

11. The worst pain I ever felt: eh let's go to question 10... lol

10. My favorite phrase: "Oh *insert expletive or inappropriate word here*!!!"

9. My room: is a complete disaster right now

8. My favorite actress/actor is: Johnny Depp, Jessica Biel

7. Your weakness: I can be unsure of myself

6. Who do you like: people that are interested :-)

5. Cats?: are too cunning for our good lol

4. What turns me on: haha a pretty face is the biggest thing I guess

3. Who broke your heart: ha...

2. I filled out 200 questions because: I was killing time

1. What do you hate most about yourself: I don't really hate a lot about myself, I'm pretty satisfied with who I am... but if I had to say... I'd say... ah hell, who am I kidding. I'm the man, cheesecake.
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