Goodbye, last winter break of my life.

Jan 16, 2006 18:55

I can't believe my last winter break is now over. It went by a lot faster than I would have cared for. I got so used to sleeping in, and now I have to be in Wise at 8 AM every morning. Bummer. I did get to catch up on a lot of things though, even though I'm just gonna fall back behind now.

Today wasn't Martin Luther King Jr. Day... Today was Crap All Over Puckett Day.

It seemed like just about everything that could happen to piss me off happened. The biggest thing was that I got on the portal to print off my schedule and it showed that I was signed up for nothing... zero, zip, zilch, nada (III). Either I didn't post it or there was an error in the system. I did my schedule right after a few other people in class one day, so I know it punched it in at least... Anyway, Vanessa and I went to get our books today. I had to get signed in to senior seminar cause it's full already. Luckily, Dr. Achua was in. Vanessa's books were like $200 for 4. Mine were $425 for 3... I have a book Vanessa can use for sociology so she's gonna save $60 and take the other back.

My schedule looks like this:

Monday - Advanced Accounting II @ 8, Auditing II @ 9, Federal Tax II @ 11, and Senior Seminar II probably around 3.
Tuesday - Accounting Information Systems @ 8
Wednesday - see Monday, minus Senior Seminar
Thursday - see Tuesday
Friday - see Wednesday

Well, I don't really have a lot to say right now, and I'm rather stressed from all the roadblocks involved with school in the last couple days, so I'm out.
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