Reply for your own questions!

Dec 01, 2009 12:20

These questions are from Alex!

1. How did you get into improv/so good at coaching it?
I got into improv in high school, where I discovered that I hated acting because you were stuck with one line when another line felt more appropriate. I got good at coaching it through practice and a LOT of reading. I also talk to other improvers about things that work for them/their groups. I watch a lot of Who's Line to get ideas for games and scenes from a hat. And lastly it takes a lot of meanness with simultaneous kindness, which is something I am cut out for :)

2. What is your favorite spice to use in cooking and why?
I use a LOT of garlic in my cooking. Garlic cloves, garlic powder, dried minced garlic, frequently a combination thereof. I like it because, well, I love garlic, but if that doesn't count as a 'spice', I'd have to go with either paprika or basil. Paprika because I like the smokey flavor it lends to tomato dishes, and basil because it's both minty and fresh. Plus it smells delicious.

3. If you could have any one superpower, what would it be?
I would like to be able to master any talent that I chose!

4. What are your top 3 favorite video games and the reason you like them so much?
Pokemon Blue. It's one of the only games I've ever finished completely, and I've done so two or three times. I like collecting them all.
Harvest Moon 64. A classy game that lets you get a wife and a baby. Not as complicated as other harvest moons and days only take 6 minutes unlike Animal Crossing
World of Warcraft. I have put literal days and days of my time into this game and I am still not bored with it. There are a million places to explore and a ton of things to do. It is by far the best MMORPG I have ever had the pleasure to enjoy, although it does suck lives and end relationships.

5. If Pokemon were real, what would be your starter? (I'm talking red and Blue version of course)
If Pokemon were REAL I would definitely choose charmander because eventually he'd be Charizard and I could fly around on him. Plus once you get past the water gym he's really the best overall, and it's really easy to just over-level for the first two gyms.
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