(no subject)

Dec 29, 2008 12:01

So it seems the poop shower has been vanquished. Roto rooter was called twice and nothing seems to be backing up now. Hooray!

The house is finally starting to seem like a house rather than a problem. The only major problem we have left is that the water heater needs to be replaced, which is a big deal but we don't have to pay for it.

Living with Van and Greg is pretty cool. Greg sort of rules the basement and Van and I have the upstairs. It's like having two adjoined apartments. It's kinda neat to be able to hear Greg playing (Jen's) guitar while I'm in the kitchen making dinner or whatever. Oh, and since Van usually eats with me and therefore has his own food to be eating, it's nice to have Greg to eat my leftovers. :)

My back is still awfully fucked up, but hopefully will never require surgery again. The arthritis in my hips has gotten significantly better since I started taking the celebrex. Blah blah. Medical problems.

Now all I have left to do is clean in between back spasms.
But when everything is clean I will be SO happy!
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