New beginnings

Jul 22, 2007 10:13

So it’s almost midnight, and I’m writing this offline. I got up at 0430 today so I should be exhausted but I’m really not at the moment. After staring at the computer screen I should need some sleep.

This week has been very interesting. As always, I have no idea what I wrote about last. On Tuesday, Picerne finally gave us an offer for a house. We live down the road from where we used to live. You can see a park if you turn to the left. The woods are right across the street, and then the fence for NSA is right there. Sometimes I feel like I live in the stix lol. But we didn’t get our keys until Thursday because the only appointment Midway Commons had open on Tuesday was when Jason had to go to the JAG office to get his will drawn up again and get me some powers of attorney. The move has been very hectic. Ray helped Jason pack the truck a lot. Root was supposed to help also but his grandmother died, which is really sad.

I went to sleep right after I wrote that, so it is now 0823. I thought I would be able to make it through typing this entry, haha, I guess not. But anyway, after Ray and Jason loaded up the truck, and Jason pretty much unloaded everything except the couch and the love seat the next day. After I got out of work, we went back to Contee Road and I started packing like crazy while Jason put things in the truck. We ordered Chinese food, which is not that great for my weight watchers, but it not only happened to be really fast food that could be delivered, it is becoming tradition. When we moved out to Laurel, the first thing we got was Chinese food, and though we ordered from a different place that time, the first and only thing in my refrigerator that first day was Chinese food. Fun. We started packing the truck, and even managed to move the treadmill. It caused a minor fight but it got into the truck and we managed to unload it at the new house. We tried to get it in through the back door but Jason was going to have to take the door off so we left it in the shed for now. When we were trying to get it in a frog tried to come inside and I watched it eat a fly. I know it’s nature, but it was kind of weird. After a minute I didn’t really care, because we’d had the cats in the bedroom so the front and the back doors could stay open while we brought the large stuff inside, and since it was night there were several flies coming and going. Jack and Morgan tried to kill them later on. It took Morgan a while but he finally killed one. At least he did a summersault instead of eating it. There are still a couple left, but the cats are on the case, lol. But anyway, we got everything out of the truck and it was pretty late, but we had to drive over to the public storage place so Jason could leave the truck there, then we got a few minor things from Contee Road, Jason picked up his car and we came home. We went to bed around 2 and I got up around 7. I was okay with that, until at work Jason texted me and told me that the Comcast guy had left our front door open and Jason couldn’t find Jack. Then he thought that Morgan was hiding because he swore he saw him in the house but he couldn’t find her. I went into the wood across the street from our place and looked. It’s really pretty and really easy to walk through certain areas, but I couldn’t find them and I just kept crying so I figured I wasn’t doing any good so I came home. I decided to look for Morgan behind the stove and I found him! I left him there for a few minutes so he could have time to see if he would try to get out on his own. Jason and I spent a few minutes talking, and then Jason looked back there again to get Morgan out. He found Jack! Ever since then I keep the screen door locked, put them in their room every time I even think I’m bringing something big in, and if I haven’t seen them for more than 30 minutes I go find them. Crazy.

Right after the kitty incident Jason and Ray’s neighbor picked up our washer and dryer! We have the Whirlpool duet washer and dryer. They were still trying to put it together when I got home from work, ( I stayed right until 6 because I was trying to let Chaeri get out early so she could leave for the beach, and because I had taken a 1.75 hour lunch to look for the kitties. The power had gone out a few minutes before we had to leave, and Michelle was freaking out about it, what else is new)? We finished installing the washer and dryer, then we went back to Contee Road to grab a few things and when we came back I was going to watch General Hospital and then drive Jason over to Ray and Bill’s neighborhood so we could get his car. I fell asleep with 20 minutes left in the show, and when I went to go get Jason up he wanted to just sleep. We woke up at 0430, threw in some laundry, and got his car. I took a small nap on the loveseat, and Jason packed all his stuff. We left for the airport at around 0615, and I dropped him off. I cried for a second and then everything was alright. This is his longest TDY but things are going to be okay. I have crazy homework to do today, and the rest of this week will be very busy. Since I live in Midway Commons I can do the 1.5 mile walk/jog whenever I feel like it, and I just have to walk out of the house. I don’t even have to drive to the gym which makes me really happy. I know that Jason’s safe and things will be alright, so I hope I can keep this mind set when he is deployed. A lot of my coworkers just got to Meade, and they’re really awesome. When we thought the cats were missing there was a whole posse of people who were going to help me look after work. It was wonderful to feel that special.

But anyway, after I dropped Jason off I started unpacking a lot of stuff in the kitchen. I was so tired last night that I don’t really remember if this was the exact order, but then I started unpacking things in the living room, left for BK at like 1315, then went to the PX. I was trying to get a change of address form at the Post Office, but they were out and it closed at noon so I couldn’t go up to ask them for more. Then I went to Target and accomplished a lot. I went back to Contee and got a lot of stuff out. The entire car was packed! I was ready to stay home but I wanted to get an extension cord so that I could leave the microwave where it is. Apparently they don’t have those at the PXtra, but I got the air mattress we needed. Then it was back to the PX. Got the cord and some other cool stuff just to come home and found out that the tag lied and it wasn’t the right cord for the microwave. So I ended up having to move it after all, had fish for dinner, and kept unpacking. I put a load of towels in and there was all this water on the floor. I had found it earlier and I thought it was from the dishwasher but it wasn’t. Jason called Ray and he came over and we found out that Jason just didn’t screw the hot water tube in all the way when he switched them yesterday morning. So I finished the load and it was okay. Everything was unplugged over night and soon I am going to check for any remaining water and do the rest of the laundry. After that I just relaxed and finally went to bed after I started this entry. Today I am going to get breakfast, take the laptop back upstairs to the internet and do some stuff with that, take a shower, do homework, unpack, throw some stuff out and probably go to the commissary so I have food that I want for dinner. I really don’t want to go to Contee Road today. Oh, and I found the cord for my camera, yay! So hopefully I will have new pics on myspace! See ya!
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