Absent for too long...

Jan 29, 2006 23:07


I have been absent from this forum for far too long. But with cleared mind and refreshed soul, I am compelled, convicted and convinced to speak (or type... communicate in general) out against what I see happening and call Christians together. A call to boldness is my plea.

Far too long have so many mouths remained silent while the gears of evil, debauchery, sexual immorality, violence, drunkeness, drugs, lies, and many others mill our earth and society into a nation that has just stopped caring about anything of moral value. I am outraged to my very marrow at how the world has begun to think, howit has been thinking. I detest more that fact that so many of us claim to be "Christians" and either remain silent and lose our conviction or secretly are one with the world and are involved in things that we shouldn't.

I'm sick of the world sugar-coating sin! ABORTION... this word already has such a dark connotation, but it's a very pleasant euphemism compared to sucking the brains out of a helpless premature baby that's not considered alive because it hasn't left its mother's womb. It's called death no matter what you decide to call it. And yet there are those that try to rationalize the whole thing. If it saves the mother's life then it's ok. This is NOT the case for so many that go through the procedure. We think that it's moral to at least save one life and that makes it acceptable to kill millions of unborn lives. It may be ethical in some cases (maybe a handful at most) but surely not all of them. Abortion is the result of women not wanting to deal with the reprocutions of their stupid behavior like not using protection or what not. Abortion has merely become the answer to when "it's not convenient."

Homosexuality... I have never heard this actually explained so it makes sense. Nature doesn't even condone it, why have we? We call it an "alternative lifestyle" so that no one feels offended. What it is is perverse, wrong, disgusting, and should not be acceptable. It's as stupid as trying to make a sqaure peg fit through a round hole. The pieces don't fit and yet the world at large promotes it on almost every television show and movie. One of the smallest monorities in the world has one of the biggest representation in today's media. It's just wrong. Just wrong.

I'm outraged at what the world has become, but what kills me more is that those that are supposed to be the light of the world have hidden their lights under a bushel. They've let satan cover them up for too long. It's easy for those that are not Christians to express themselves. It seems that every other religion has their heyday because they promote "tolerance" they say "hey whatever..." This is not an acceptable philosophy because once you stop caring, everything falls apart. It seems every diverse religion and off-the-wall philosophy is acceptable except Christianity. As soon as a Chrsitian opens their mouth, they are called "intolerant," "biased," "hate mongerers..." Everyone seems to want to shut us Chrsitians up. Why? Is it because we think we're right? Can't be; everyone else thinks their right and no one does anything against them. no, it's because the world can't accept Christians for who they are! The world is intolerant of us and how our faith works. Or faith is BUILT on the foundation of spreading God's Word and commandments. The message of God's love, Jesus, the Way the Truth and the Light, the ONLY way to eternal life. It is because we speak out against others that have fallen into their own sin and darkness that the world wants to silence us. We can't speak because we may offend, we might make someone feel uncomfortable and guilty about something they've done. They world doesn't want to be told it's wrong. That's why they want to silence us. Not because we say we're right, but because we say the world is wrong.

We cannot stay silent anymore! The more we comply to what the world wants us to do, the more the world will fall into its own darkness. BE THE LIGHT! Speak! Testify to the Love that Jesus brings. The Hope, the Life, the wonderful blessings and enternal life and forgiveness that God wants to give. Stop being timid and silent! Shout it out! Shout for the LORD. Exclaim it from the rooftops. If we stay silent one more day, that's one more day the world has to claim ignorance, to keep on going along unchallenged, undisputed. Mix things up, stir the pot. Christians are more controversial than any other topic today. Don't remain silent.

I will remain slent no longer... there will be more to come.
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