
Feb 13, 2006 11:19

agricultural run- may contain fertilizer and pesticides that’ll pollute freshwater
algal bloom- sudden, massive growths of microscopic and macroscopic plant life, algae, and cyanobacteria, which develop in lakes, reservoirs, and marine waters
Aquatic biology- study the ecology and behavior of plants, animals, and microbes living in freshwater
Aquatic ecosystem- Basic ecological unit composed of living and nonliving elements interacting in an aqueous milieu
Aquatic Vegetation- is found in most lakes and ponds and is beneficial to the natural ecosystem in moderate amounts.
Benthic Biology-the study of relating to the ocean bottom
Biochemical oxygen demand- amount of oxygen used when organic matter undergoes decomposition by microorganisms.Testing for BOD is done to assess the amount of organic matter in water.
Estuaries- Bodies of water which are located at the lower end of a river and are subject to tidal fluctuations
Eutrophication- over-enrichment of a water body with nutrients, resulting in excessive growth of organisms and depletion of oxygen concentration
Everglades- large and biologically diverse wetland ecosystem in South Florida
Limnology- The study of lakes, ponds and streams
Nitrate pollution- Contamination of water by nitrates
Nonpoint source- Forms of pollution caused by sediment, organic and inorganic chemicals, and biological, radiological, and other toxic substances originating from land use activities
Oligotrophic- refers to a body of water which is poor in dissolved nutrients and usually rich in dissolved oxygen
Phosphate pollution- Phosphate fertilizers become pollutants when it’s immobile
Sedimentation- process of subsidence and deposition of suspended matter from a wastewater by gravity
Wastewater- Water that has been used and thrown away from residential, business or industrial sources. It can contain a variety of waste products like soap, chemicals or manure.
Water chemistry- the type and concentration of ions present (dissolved) in water.
Watershed management- protection and restoration of a watershed through integrated and holistic efforts
Wetlands- Lands where water saturation is the dominant factor determining the nature of soil development and the types of plant and animal communities living in the surrounding environment
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