Jan 25, 2006 16:48
Alright so a little insight, as a prep student here, we have to go to this after school thing called prep phyiscal lab, or prep pt. Here all the various academy preps gather together for an hour or so worth of pt three days a week. Last semester, we had to take the CFA test for the academies so they could see how fit we were. Since it wasn't a class, many people didn't go and still did just fine on the tests. Our dumbass advisor, Col Steil, likes to make our lives as miserable as possible here, screwing various academies over as much as possible while making us hate our lives even more for coming here. So anyway, she got really pissed off that no one showed since she likes keeping an eye on us as much as possible.. As a way to force us to be there, she made pt into a credited class... so yeah I get 1 credit for something I spend over 4 hours a week at. WWEEE!!! As a threat, this is the email she sent us a few days ago that made all of the preps just laugh. So I thought for you're enjoyment, I would share it with you all!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Prep PT will go to the Board of Regents for a final vote on the 20th. I believe that it will be approved. Credit bearing classes, indeed any classes, must be attended regularly.
There were 14 students absent from prep pt on Friday. That was your last “grace” absence. You will be stuck for FFI is you are absent PHE 132 beginning Wednesday, 18 January, and when the class has credit you will be stuck “absent class” if you miss.
Football is no longer in-season. You are expected to BE at Prep PT. I believe there is only one of our cadets on basketball, and NO OTHER cadets are excused.
Given the reason for this class and the importance of being in good physical condition in order to be successful at the academies, I find it difficult to understand many of your lackadaisical attitude regarding your conditioning.
Be assured that your academies take this seriously. Also understand that participation and attitude are an integral part of the grade for this class. Please review your attitude and your motivation. Is your goal still to be successful at an academy?
Col Steil
Note: she believes we will fail if we don't go to pt. Fyi, prep pt is so shanty that I could get in better shape during my short summer then I will be if all i did here was prep pt. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!