Jun 22, 2005 17:58
Hey guys-
Wow, I've realized, the trial of concience, the battle of spirituality beneath the surface is a whole lot more serious than it seems...
....each and every one of us faces trials, we have our high points, our low points....
"This seems too big for me hulking monstrosity too late to get out now And like the speed of sound this thing has brought me down I don't remember how I want to be free but Juggernaut is killing me"
...CS Lewis says in The Screwtape Letters, "Human's are amphibians- half spirit and half animal. As spirits they belond to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time. This means that while their spirit can be directed to an eternal object, their bodies, passions, and imaginations are in continual change, for to be in time means to change. Their nearest approach to constancy, therefore, is undualtion- the repeated return to a level from which they repeatedly fall back, a serious of troughs and peaks... As long as he lives on earth periods of emotional and bodily richnes and liveliness will alternate with periods of numbness and poverty." for we all undulate right, I have recently, I had one of those high points, but adversity has come across my path again, I will not let it defeat me....
"Freedom like a song The weak shall be made strong I may sink before I swim but I'm not giving in to you Juggernaut/ Juggernaut"
...just as it is said in Ephesians 6, there is a spiritual battle. I will put on the armour of God, and fight. I will hold the sword of the spirit until my cuticles turn white, until my palm bleeds from how firm I grasp the sword. I will not look back, I will not be defeated....
"Beneath machinery, specter of treachery, and I've lost everything, And I am getting out, the shadow of my doubt is suffocating, my own worst enemy, this Juggernaut is killing me"
...freedom like a song, the week SHALL be made strong, I may sink before I swim, but I will not give into you. I will not turn back, the flaming arrows of the evil one will not pierce. I will be the optomist. This battle I can see it. As I think I see two sides of me yelling at eachother. I will not dwell on this battle either, just have Faith and it will end for the better, because that's what God does for me...
"From machines that I have made, I've become the slave, Lord, I've been carried along, freedom like a song, Freedom lifts me like a song, when the weak shall be made strong"
...hopefully y'all might know what I mean, I'm sure y'all have experience similar adversity. Well I offer words of encouragement, for the weak shall be made strong right?
The slip'n'slide party and burning has been put off to next week, for, reasons. I love how things can be put together so easily after they fall apart right guys? Thank You.
-Mr. Steven Michael Francis Veit, Esquire