Cranda-nators, Drunken Hazes, Fire Truck Raves, and a Turkey.

Apr 26, 2003 14:08

So as i write this right now, i am enchanted by the sounds of the announcer at the Oregon Invitational down the street at Hayward Field. What brings me the most joy is the fact he is talking about some athlete from Southern Oregon. Problaby making a comment on what a ho she is. Take that chris!!! Anyway, i haven't written in two days, and there is a lot to catch up on, so i'll make it brief. Here we go.
1. Crandall is the shit, he knowledge of grammar is second to none and his ability to compromise his values to watch a Laker game go into overtime is unparallelled.
2. If your friend gets alcohol poisioning, and is puking all over the place, but can still talk and not die...DON'T CALL AN AMBULANCE. It will just attract unnecessary DPS attention and they won't even do anything for him. I mean look at chris, we never call ambulances for him and he turned out ok? Right?
3. Don't ever drink anything but beer. Beer is good, it doesn't invlove mixing fruit juice with it, it is easy, and it is a lot harder to get completely smashed and throw up when you are just sipping beer.
4 To all those "Ganoe Ho's" who thought it would be really funny to pull a fire alarm at 7:30 in the freaking morning on a saturday, you deserve to be publically flogged in the middle of the bean west courtyard. You have never seen such a sad sight as 600 hungover tired pissed off college kids being herded like cattle across the campus lawn to avoid a fire that NEVER HAPPENED!!! I fully agree with steve on this one that it was ridiculous, and possibly a capitalist fireman plot. The stupid fire truck was there for like 3 minutes before it left. I don't even know if the fireman even GOT OUT OF THE TRUCK!!! it was freaking ridiculous. And another thing, the fire station is maybe one block from the dorm AT MOST. How come i was able to comprehend what our stupid fire alarm was, have a weird dream about how i was a turkey in an oven and the alarm was the oven being done cooking me, get pissed and throw my blanket, put on my clothes, go the bathroom, walk around the hall with james, and go outside and the so-called fire truck was still not even there!! It took them a good 10 minutes to travel ONE BLOCK!!!! Now if there was actually a fire then we would all be burning alive in this brick kiln-like death trap we affectionately call Bean. C'mon boys, get on the ball. I bet they were hungover too. Damn them, and damn cheap vodka!!!
5. Track meets and tennis matches are fun. Y'all should check them out. Me, i can almost watch them from my window, at least i can hear them from my window.
6. When is it going to get sunny. It was sunny at goddamn 7:30 this monring, and now it is basically a gale outside. Raining and windy.
Ok, that is all for now. Peace
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