Feb 20, 2008 18:58
Once again, I was sick for most of the week, so not a huge amount got done. But I'm better now; thanks for asking. :-) This week we got some of the sweet payoff for the earlier work:
* Finished decluttering the back of the kitchen (yay!). The bay window is clear for the first time in... um, maybe since it was installed? Heh. Now I want to get a cushion made for it, so we can sit there. That'll be really nice once spring comes, when we can gaze out upon the daffodils and lilacs and lilies-of-the-valley in the back yard. Matthew already thinks it's pretty cool to stand in there and watch the squirrels.
* Continued decluttering the entryway area.
* Moved the drop-leaf table from the back of the kitchen to the entryway area (along with an accompanying Windsor chair). It's now a very pleasant, sunny place to sit and read the paper!
* Rearranged Matthew's play area to accommodate said table in the entryway. We also needed to cover up the builtin bookshelves, as he's decided that the books are quite fun to pull down from shelves en masse. This just took a little bit of creativity with the baby fences and a distracting pile of cardboard bricks. But now it appears that there's more room in there, which can't be right... oh well. It seems less cluttered, anyway.
* Bought a toddler-sized table and chairs for Matthew, and put them into the back of the kitchen where the big table had been. Now he can sit there and eat snacks, or more typically, climb all over the new furniture. :-) Happy baby!