Feb 07, 2006 02:08
so as a result of an e-mail stating that jessie notcied i haven't updated in forever... i noticed that i haven't updated in forever... hmmm... well i suppose it's 2:10 here and 3:10 on the east coast... in the morning... i suppose it's as good a time as any to contemplate of the past and recent events.
this new semester is rough on my playing and such. I'm in 6 classes i have to practice for. Symphonic Band, Jazz II, Sax Quartet, Men's Choir, Weekly Lessons, and Improv lessons.
The Symphonic band is a lot better this semester than last semester (it's the second band to SWE (symphonic wind ensemble)) we are playing some pretty crazy pieces, Maslanka's Morning Star. Nelson's Epiphanies (fanfares and chorals) (not what you might think it is) and some other marches and a Bach/Grainger peice. it's all a lot harder than i thought it would be at the begining.
Jazz II. well prof. leali is getting on us like shit on velcrow. He is making us play and practice so hard that we should light a fire under Jazz I. It's insane, but i love it.
Sax Quartet is amazing. but hard. we are playin' a peice called Drastic Measures wich is one of my favorite. it's hard to clean and make perfect, wich is whate Prof. Dees demands. we also have a few Dvorak transcriptions/arrangements with a little jazz tune. I might talk them into doing full english breakfast but our plates are pretty full already.
Men's Choir, i love it. we actualy sound good! lots of peices, lots of new languages that i have to practice to be able to sing.
Weekly Lessons, well Prof. Dees is about to kill me but im bound to stick with it. I'm playing Improvisation et Caprice on bari a long with a few other peices that will come later, but he wants me to finish 6 full length peices by the end of the semester... rough... ROUGH....
Improv lessons... fun but a lot of work.
all in all i usualy practice for about 4-5 hours a day. 2 in the morning like 8-10 or 9-11 depending... then 2-3 hours at night... 11-2 or so like tonight. sleep is hard to come by but its worth it.. i get to rest when im dead. but i love it here.
my other two classes are Intro to music teaching... a cool class, and Music History (classical era) I'm strugling but hopefully pulling through trying to get good grades. i have to get my gpa up or else im screwed... pray for me on that one
otherwise... drinking has before more ok with me. I know there are some people that might think less of me for it.. but i'm responsible, and i think it's fun. no im not 21, but hey when i came home for xmas break i had a few beers with my dad on a couple different occasions. even he understands that im going to drink some. but i promise you this... i will NEVER drive after drinking ANY. im not stupid. and i take everything in stride. It takes a lot to get me drunk and i've only pushed that once. i'm not wasting my life away like some people i know. i enjoy it only when i have time on the weekends.
socialy, i've been doin' alright. bunch of good friends, i miss home, but im making do now. girls are a pain in the ass but oh well. it's alright. ill live. i dont really have time for them now ne way.
church, I've found a GREAT church one that has an amazing music program and a college ministry (im going on a retreat this weekend with them) i try to go every week. and so far this semester i've succeeded. i've also succeeded at going to the wesley foundation. the united methodist church's college ministry, similar to campus crusades for christ only... better in my opinion. lots of good friends, music, food ,and fun... basicaly... a college youth group.
i miss everyone back at home. hope all are doing well!!!