Title: Messenger Bird's Song
Rating: R
Threesome: Jin/Kame/Yamapi
Summary: Jin leaves, Kame and Yamapi stay behind.
Warnings: none.
Notes: Thanks, as always, to K.
procreational, I hope you like this! I may have inadvertently written something you will hate but hopefully that is not the case.
Messenger Bird's Song )
so good. I have such a thing for Kamepi and aksjs this is so perfectly them. I think one of my favourite parts was the bit at Yuu's apartment--I love that Yamapi was sort of flirting with Kame unconsciously and how they're so relaxed. I adore your Kame. He's unsure and awkward but it works and aksj your Yamapi is so perfect too.
I love the way both of them can't help thinking about Jin because it's so realistic. ajnjs and I'm so pleased we got a happy ending because this threesome are just so ridiculously angsty.
I think I know who this is, but either way it's gorgeous <3
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