fic for encoded_panties

Jul 01, 2008 22:41

Title: Practice Sessions
Rating: NC-17
Threesome: Koki/Nakamaru/Jin
Summary: Totally PWP. Koki and Jin manhandle Nakamaru in the dressing room.
Word Count: 2,174
Warnings: handjobs, blowjobs, some exhibitionist behavior
Notes: I really hope you like this! It was a challenge for me, so I hope this is okay. ♥ Thank you to L for her help with this.

"Oi!" Nakamaru says, throwing open the door to the dressing room. "What the hell are you two-"

He pauses there, on the threshold, staring at the scene before him. The three of them are supposed to be downstairs in one of the dance studios for choreography with the rest of KAT-TUN, but currently Jin and Koki seem to be engaged in a clumsy, half-naked wrestling match.


Maru is interrupted as Jin knocks Koki into the dresser. Tubes of lip gloss and makeup brushes go rolling from the dresser and clattering to the floor, but neither of the two seems to have even noticed. Jin's got Koki pinned there, sweating and shirtless and breathing hard but still unflinching, and Maru half expects Jin to punch him. Seriously, he thinks, this entire dumb Kame publicity rumor has gotten way out of hand.

"Stop being such idiots," Maru says. "You were supposed to be downstairs like ten minutes ago and-"

But he completely loses the line of thought his lecture had been so focused on in the next instant, as he watches Jin kiss Koki.

It's rough and desperate and it still sort of looks like they're fighting, the way Jin pulls Koki so savagely against him, the way he's still got Koki trapped up against the dresser, the way Koki's hands are balled up in fists, alternatively tugging and shoving on Jin's shoulders.

"Um," Nakamaru says, fully convinced they're either completely oblivious or complete assholes. "Should I… come back? Is this a bad… time?"

Koki bursts into an unexpected bout of laughter and they pull apart, Jin stepping back to give Nakamaru an exasperated look over his shoulder.

Assholes, Maru decides.

"It's not funny," Maru says, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're both completely retarded. And Kame's already in a pissy mood about you two being late, the least you could do is stop fucking around and-"

"Hey," Jin says. "Who says we're fucking around?"

"Yeah," Koki chimes in, though the stupid grin on his face completely betrays his attempt at being serious. "We're not fucking around, we're-"

He pauses, and the grin fades as he exchanges a look with Jin. Nakamaru is unimpressed.

"You're idiots," Maru supplies. "Come on."

"Wait," Jin says, exchanging another look with Koki before returning his attention to Nakamaru. "Come here."

"If you think--" Maru starts, but they're already crossing the dressing room towards him. Maru takes a step back. "If you think I'm going to come over there so that you can-"

Koki reaches him first, and in half of a muttered objection has Nakamaru twisted around, pinned against the dressing room door, followed by the little metal click of the lock sliding into place. He can feel Koki's breath against his neck, can feel the scruff from Koki's recent decision to stop shaving as it chafes his skin, can hear the softest little laugh in every breath Koki lets out.

"Hey," Jin says sharply, and Nakamaru sighs in relief, waiting expectantly for Koki to release his wrists, to step away from Maru and start being serious again. Instead, Koki pulls him bodily away from the door, turning them until Nakamaru is leaning back against Koki, his wrists caught in Koki's grasp behind his back as Jin surveys him.

"You're such idiots," Maru says weakly, but he can feel himself blushing at the way Jin's gaze is sweeping his body. He's getting oddly aroused, trapped here like this. There's something about the way Koki's fingers keep sliding against his wrists, at how his breath catches Maru's ear, how Koki's body feels, warm against his. Jin licks his lips and Maru bites his, hoping he won't make the embarrassing noise his throat is threatening to let out.

Maru is definitely, embarrassingly hard now, and every time Jin's gaze sweeps his body Maru imagines it lingering on the bulge in his jeans, at the obvious hard-on he has no way of hiding, but Jin doesn't laugh or tease or anything that Maru would expect of him. Instead, he steps closer, eyes still locked on Maru. Koki's breathing speeds up at this, his grip on Maru's wrists falters, and for a moment Maru's fingers brush against what he knows is Koki's cock, hard enough to feel through his jeans. Koki curses then, his grip tightens again, and Jin's gaze flicks briefly over Maru's shoulder. He frowns at Koki, as if he's going to reprimand him, and that's when everything shifts.

Jin leans in unexpectedly, lips brushing ever so slightly against Maru's cheek, collarbone, the side of his neck-and then there's scruff burning his skin and he feels, hears, can almost see them kissing over his shoulder, trapping Maru between them.

Jin shifts against him, sliding his hands lazily down Maru's sides as he continues kissing Koki, and Maru can feel Jin's cock, hard against his hip. He moans a little at that, unexpectedly and unintentionally, and then they're breaking and Koki is laughing softly against his ear.

"Knew you'd like it," Koki murmurs.

"Me too," Jin says, and when Nakamaru opens his mouth to object, Jin's already leaning in, already brushing his lips against Maru's, his fingers toying with the waist of Maru's jeans as Koki tugs on his t-shirt.

It's wet and hot and Jin opens his mouth against Maru's as he unbuttons his jeans, forces his tongue in Maru's mouth as he shoves his shorts down around his thighs. Maru tries to keep up, tries to figure out what the fuck is going on while Jin's tongue is in his mouth and Koki's hands are on his sides, palms rough and sliding against his skin as Koki shoves up his t-shirt, but then Jin's breaking the kiss, Jin's licking his palm as he watches Nakamaru, and Maru feels a little like passing out as he imagines what's coming next.

Jin watches him as he takes hold of Maru's cock, grip warm and slick as he palms his erection, slowly, lazily. Nakamaru tries to look down, tries to tilt his head away from the embarrassment of Jin's steady gaze, but Koki is there, stubble scratching his cheek, breath warm against his neck, and then Koki's kissing him, and Maru nearly moans at the cool metal of Koki's tongue ring, at how raw his lips already feel from Koki's scruff.

"Fuck," Jin says softly, fisting Maru's cock even tighter, faster.

Koki breaks the kiss and Maru twists to look at Jin, only to find that he has his jeans unbuttoned, his cock poking through the hole in his boxers, slowly stroking himself as he watches them.

"Koki," Jin says, but his eyes are locked on Maru's. "Suck him off."

Koki splutters behind him, whining weird, embarrassed objections, but Jin only smiles a little, shifts his hips forward until his cock is shifting against Maru's in a tormenting touch of slick palms, knuckles, and hot skin. Maru moans and Koki stops objecting.

"You're such a slut," Jin says, as Koki releases his hold on Maru, as he steps awkwardly around him, one hand lingering on Maru's waist as he drops to his knees. "You know you got that stupid tongue ring just for this."

Before Koki can object, Jin's releasing Maru's cock, letting it bump wetly up against Koki's cheek with a soft little laugh.

"Uh--" Maru says skeptically, but he's not sure what he's objecting to, or if he's even able to say anything at this point. He watches as Koki tilts his head, watches as his cock slides against Koki's cheek, lips, and then his best friend is almost grinning as he opens his mouth, lips stretching wide around Maru's cock as it slides back against his tongue, into the warm, wet confines of Koki's dirty little mouth.

Koki's good with his tongue, it turns out, and before Maru can warn him, he's coming down Koki's throat, fisting his fingers in Koki's too-short hair, and trying his best not to make the embarrassing little moan that's threatening to escape.

Jin kisses him then, and the moan escapes into Jin's mouth, as Jin tangles his fingers in Maru's hair, as he pushes his tongue inside Maru's mouth. Suddenly Jin's cock is in his hand, hot and slick in his grip, and Maru is suddenly petrified, fumbling, unsure. He moves his hand, tries to fist Jin's cock the way he'd like it, but suddenly Jin's hand is over his, shifting his fingers and tightening around them, trying to show him how he wants to be touched.

It doesn't take long to figure out what Jin wants-it's basic and rough and fast and easy, and soon Jin is thrusting into his fist, biting down hard on Maru's lip, and gasping against his mouth. Just when he expects Jin to come all over his hand, though, Jin's shoving him away, and Maru watches with bemused wonder as he tugs Koki, still on his knees, up against him by the collar of his shirt.

Koki had, apparently, been busy taking care of himself as he watched Maru manhandle Jin, and suddenly Jin's fucking his mouth as Koki fumbles with his own cock. It's messy, and it's fast, and it's fucking hot to watch the way Koki takes it, the way he looks, mouth stuffed full of Jin's cock, flushed and sweaty and desperately horny and-


Kame's voice is a sudden, terrifying reminder from the other side of the dressing room door, instantly sobering and embarrassing, but it seems to have another affect on Jin.

"Jin! Koki!"

Jin comes at that, tensing and biting his lip and gripping Koki as tightly as ever as the doorknob rattles threateningly.

"Why is the door locked? Are you even in there? We're trying to practice, you know, you've been gone forever."

Nakamaru hastily tugs up his shorts and jeans and prays that Kame will go away, that he'll think of some other place to look, but both Jin and Koki are scrambling toward the door, hastily tucking themselves away and looking a little too flushed, a little too rumpled to have been doing anything normal.

Before Nakamaru can make any objections, Jin is throwing the door open, Koki nearly stumbling into him, he's so close behind him.

Nakamaru slowly follows them to the door, trying to look as annoyed and abashed as he can about letting Kame down in his task.

Kame looks furious. His lips are a thin, angry line, his eyebrows are knitted together, and he's nearly hissing with annoyance. "What the fuck have you been doing?" he asks, and Nakamaru shrinks back behind Koki.

It's from this vantage point that he notices what's really going on, here that he can see the way Jin's right hand has moved down from the door, where Kame can't see it, has slid down to the front of Koki's jeans, where it's slowly, steadily, working over the bulge there.

Kame is somehow still talking, still lecturing, but Maru lost the thread of it some time ago, too fixated on the incredibly risky, awkwardly public handjob that's taking place in front of him.

"Koki," Kame says, and Koki lets out an odd, strangled squeak. Kame raises an eyebrow. "You're acting sort of… strange. Is everything okay?"

Jin's hand tightens into a fist, shifting more quickly over Koki's hard-on as Koki slumps a little against the door. Kame clears his throat.

"Yes," Koki says, sounding more than a little strangled, as he shudders almost imperceptively. "Yes, sorry baby."

Kame rolls his eyes, but there's a stupid little undeniable smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Well, anyway, stop fucking around and come downstairs."

Jin mumbles something about changing, Kame nods and tells him to hurry, and then he's off, and the door's slamming shut, and Koki's slumping against it as Jin bursts into laughter.

"Fuck… you," Koki says.

Jin grins. "Some other time, baby we've got to go to rehearsal now."

Koki laughs. "Shut up!" he says, and his voice cracks a little, which sends both Maru and Jin into a small fit of laughter.

"You're both completely insane," Maru says airily, as Koki changes into clean pants and Jin attempts to find their shirts.

"Tomorrow," Jin says, as he triumphantly tugs on a questionably clean shirt. "We're supposed to do a Myojo shoot about school or something."

Koki snorts, mumbles something about apples, and Jin idly slaps the back of his head as he continues.

"We'll be in the second floor bathroom when Kame sends you after us."

Nakamaru stares. "You two are…"

"We three," Koki corrects, slinging an arm around Maru's shoulder and making an obnoxious kissy face in his general direction.

As they make their way back downstairs, Jin and Koki giggling over some idiotic plan for some more realistic rendition of "Pinky Plus Maru" at the next concert, Maru wonders, in a resigned, distant way, about the mechanics of the slutty choreography they're plotting, and tries not to think about what will happen if they're caught.

koki/nakamaru/jin, !rating: nc-17

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