Apr 26, 2006 18:31
Lately, every dread I have, hasto hasto do with Nathan. I don't understand why. I wish it would stop. And they are all dreams that when I wake up, I just want to sleep so I don't have to end them.
Last night, we had a guitar recital, ofcourse I didn't play. I chilled in the lobby with Rob and Tyler(swick's son). I had alot of fun. I always, for some odd reason didn't like Tyler at all. I don't know why. Just one of those things where you don't like someone for no reason at all. but he's actually a pretty cool kid. Always thought Rob was cool. Some selected kids in my guitar class are awesome. Hah. but then there are those who you'd just rather throw out the window, to shut them up. Sheesh. People just don't know when to stop fighting Mr. Swick. They're never gunna win.
FunkerVogt is coming ou twith a new Album!!! Or it's already out. i don't know. All I know is that my Grandma reserved 3 of them for her, my Auntie and I.
I finished watching Casanova today. And I didn't cry. Not because the movie was sad(only for a short while), but I believe either that or Memoirs of a Geisha were the last movies I saw with Nathan. Great huh. But god I love the music to it. The soundtrack is so awesome.I could listen to it for hours. hehe...another Heath Ledger movie....^_^
I don't know if I'm going to go to Pride day this year. Might find someone, I might not. But I only want to go to have fun. Even though i'm under age and can't drink...only walk around like a mindless child Zombie....anywho.
That's about it. This seems to be one of my most positive entries is a loong. time.