WHAT YOU WANT: A Post of Great Requesting

Jan 16, 2010 14:13


Sorry to the people at Cherry Doom who were expecting this, like, weeks ago. I have some excuses for that, but you don't want to hear them and they are irrelevant, and technically there was nothing that it had to be me to post this, so let's move right along shall we?

You guys are all in a Johnny slash community, so this is assuming you want to see more of it. WHAT do you want to see? What kind of story would you write if you had the time/ability/drive that you would love to see someone else do? What issues do you want discussed? What stuff do you just keep waiting for someone to do, and yet still have not seen? What pairing, what situation, what type of story, what kind of little-represented kink, what kind of ANYTHING?

What ideas have you had that you'll never write that you'd love to offer up to someone else to write? What abandoned fics of yours would you challenge someone else to finish?

Do you have something you literally want to SEE, and wish someone would draw it? Post that stuff here, either with your name or anonymously. Post a ton of shit or just the one thing that's been lingering in your head for a while.

I'm saying ANYTHING here, is what I'm saying.

It's unlikely this will get gigantic, but here's a place to post (anonymously if you want! No one has to know it was you who wanted tentacle porn!) the stuff you want to see, the stuff you're really looking for when you search the Jhonen section at FFN. The stuff you wish would just appear fully formed on your word processor.

Of course the idea here is to give people ideas, generate enthusiasm, and get STUFF from it. It's meant to give people who want to write some jumping off points, and to challenge them to be writing things they may not have thought of on their own. You are of course not required to write or draw anything if you post ideas/requests/prompts/whatever, but man it would be cool if you did. There's no limit, or any kind of weird 'quality filter', so don't hesitate to make something or request something even if you don't think you're as good as someone else! We want to see it and we want you to do stuff!

Post your responses in the best way you can. If your story is small enough and you just want to post it in a reply to the original requests' comment, then do that. If you made an epic and want to post a link to it, do that. But do try to keep requests and their results linked. So if you fill a request for Survey Guy and Shit In Pants guy getting ice cream, put a link to the original request with your fic, and reply to the original request with a link to the fic. It's okay if you want to respond to any requests anonymously just as it's okay to post them anonymously. Of course you can put your name on stuff if you want, that's cool.

Obviously it's okay if more than one person does something for the same request, as you're all likely to do things differently, but do give some thought to some of the emptier ones if we ever get to that point.

Also, don't be a dick, but I think that does without saying.

We had another idea for a fanfic game over at Cherry Doom, but I think it might sort of rely on this one having a few responses, so we'll wait on that. For any of you who are members at Cherry Doom (or want to be, hinthint), the game I'm talking about is the one talked about in this post.

Anyone with ideas about how best to get that organized is welcome, nay, ENCOURAGED, to post to Cherry Doom about it.

AND THERE WE HAVE IT. I'll likely be editing the hell out of this post to address some issue that I'm sure I haven't foreseen, but until then, TELL THIS POST YOUR DESIRES, and I'll see you guys in some comments.
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