I got cultured today...

Jun 01, 2005 21:22

Well, not really. Prepare for ranting....

A friend of ours (me and smeg) is doing VCA Acting and today was the final performance of his show for this semester. So being the lovely people we are, we took the afternoon off and went to see the show.

1) The VCA drama building is rediculously ugly. It's that supid multi-colour, bits sticking ou everywhere, non-functional type of design building that is starting to crop up everywhere (RMIT City, Fed Square, RMIT Fundoora, those stupid french fries things on the tulla freeway). I mean come on, if you are going to spend rediculous amounts of money building something, at least make it look good.

2) $8 (no concession price) to go and see a matinee for a student production is a bit rediculous. I'm not opposed to having to pay full price to see something, but ffs, no student price? Are they expecting a big enough audience for a non-publicized play taht they can just have a flat fee and turn away people who say WTF?

3) The lifts... 2 floors it had to go up, it took 3minutes. It's not like the building is old, it's brand new and so are the lifts. What gives?

4) the seats - my ass was numb after about 10mins. nuff said.

5) the play... well it was a play called 'Saved'. I'm not sure what the title refers to, but it wasn't the play. Basically it was about a guy and girl hooking up, having a baby, baby gets murdered due to girl's negligence, and umm, yeah...
Story wise, it was pointless. Script wise, umm, it's on par with Star Wars Episode 1 (i.e. someone shoot the writer). Acting wise, well, considering teh script and story, I think they didn't do too badly, except for some bizarre reason everyone was speaking in a cockney accent. Sometime sthe accent was good, most of the time it was hilarious. I spent 2 hours trying not to laugh. This was espicially hard in the 'murder' scene. I know I shouldn't laugh at murder, but it's hard not too when people are yelling out stupid things in a cockney accent. It was likw watching Clockwork Orange, but with aussies trying to do the british accents and not laugh while saying the lines.

I know the play was supposed to be shocking and make me think about something (i'm not sure what), but all I ended up doing was try to surreptitiously check my watch without the actors standing a foot in front of me noticing. Oh and trying to find a position on my seat that wouldn't numb my ass and send sharp pains up my spine.

So yes, I supported my friend and went. He owes me big time now.
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