Sep 14, 2005 12:26
Imagine that said to you by a short italian guy with no front teeth. (no it's not Damo Shakas)
My response was obviously: What?
dude: No, don't worry, I'm not cracking onto you, I just need to tell you something amazing
me: ok...
dude: ever been to 420 Lonsdale St.?
me: which building is that?
dude: some jap restaraunt
me: nope
dude: I was doing a delivery there, and when I walked in to get teh docket signed, there was this naked chick
me: what?
dude: i walked in looking for the guy to sign, and this chick ina g-string and a see though top was just standing there
me: what was that address?
dude: best knockers I have ever seen. I can't get them out of my mind.
me: I guess I'm eating Japanese for lunch
dude: I think I'm having a mental breakdown, this is only my second day on the job
me: life's tough? :p
dude: best knockers ever
me: wait till you deliver to Spearmint Rhino tomorrow
dude: what?
me: have fun
and the dude wanders out in shock.
Delivery drivers, gotta love em.