(no subject)

Feb 18, 2005 16:49

hey everyone!! im soo glad we get a vacation from school for a week becuz its soo boring doing the same thing everyday from monday-friday! i do want to hangout a lot during the break so if u want to make plans with me just call the cell and im sure we could hangout whenever. i also want to go spring shopping for like new clothes, and sneakers, i love the spring the weathers soo great and i just hope that it does come real soon becuz its so much better then the winter becuz in the cold theres nothin to do! Ugh, im doing bad in math i think i need to get a tutor! In SS im doing pretty good i want to at least get a 75 this marking period which i think i can do considering that i now have american connection even though i rather have a free period its for the benefit of me so itz all good! Jaime is in Florida shes soo lucky but shes coming bac next thurs so when she gets bac we will prob end up hangin out. i want to also go to the city during the break so if anyone wants to make plans to come with me u def can! im not sure wat im doing tonite but im def gettin out of my house and hangin out somewhere! oh yeah how could i forget its my BFF SEANS BdaY today so i hope he has a great day and im mad i didnt see him in school to say happy bday in person...wow im such a loser!! ill update more as stuff happens even though no one reads my entrys! well thats all i gotta say for now...love you all lotz! x0x0 *JaSmInE*
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