Aug 20, 2006 12:34
Those words still ehco in my head even now. After 12 hours I still laugh at the mere thought of those words being yelled at me by a certain someone.
Hi it's me again with a story to tell.
First, Knotts Berry Farm was fun. I had very sleep the night before so I was falling asleep at one point during the day but all in all It was a good time. :) Silver Bullet is now my fav ride in the heavens! Second only to Riddlers Revenge from Six Flags. S.B. is freaking crazy!!!!!!!!
Silver Bullet Stats:
Length: 3,125 Ft.
Height: 146 Ft.
Drop: 109 Ft.
Inversions: 6
Speed(mph): 55
Duration (m:ss): 2:30
Fun Factor: Priceless!(lol)
But after a long day of very little sleep, sore feet, and hunger I was rather irritable. So I vented. People that know me understand I need to vent. It helps to calm down and in a few mins I feel better. :D However someone I know either has no idea about that or just doesn't care. Either way she told me to "Shut The F*** Up!" And we were at it like cats and dogs fighting over a little strip of meat. We are now no longer friends. I wish not to speak her during LOSCON. And may not come to said convention. Not sure yet......