Aug 03, 2007 15:56
Hello everyone! I feel like I haven't posted in a long while. Just been really busy with everything. The final apprentice project (the one I'm managing) goes up next week. I do have some concerns about it because there never seems to be enough time for the designers to meet/enough time fro the apprentices to rehearse. I know it will all come together, but there's not enough people to do the work. Isn't that almost always the case though? We have a main stage show going up next week, which is cool, but still difficult to manage. I don't know how the people do it who work here for 12-15+ hours a day all year long. Of course, I believe the season goes from April to Dec/Jan., but that's 3/4 of the year, but still it's a lot of time.
I am sad that this experience is over soon, but I know it will help me wherever my career path takes me. I want to get back to school so badly though.
And, today, it doesn't help that I feel crappy. I have a headcold. Never fun:( I couldn't sleep well last night because I was so stuffed up.
Good news is that the Cubs are in front of Milwaukee. Way to go Cubs!
I'll update again soon!