(no subject)

Dec 11, 2013 15:27

So...Yair Moshe (that's Baby #4's name, by the way) is now 7 weeks old. Shai will be FIVE next Tuesday. Niv had a birthday and by the math he turned 7, which is inconceivable, and time is just flying and flying. Yair is cute. He's fussier than I remember my other guys being, but it could be selective memory. He's also big, like his brothers were at this age.

My YouTube channel is growing rapidly because I made a video with boobs. Well, okay, I made a video explaining how to express milk using hand expression, and it shows my boobs, and now lots of random men are subscribing to my channel so they can see my boobs. Which...well, I never thought I'd be a masturbatory aid, but it's also generating lots of views and ad revenue, so it's hard to complain. And some women are watching it in order to learn about the technique, and that's why I made the video, so, again, hard to complain. But still creepy. There are lots of other videos there that are not boob-ful, and they are also good.

I also officially launched my breastfeeding counseling business by giving a stack of business cards to my OB and asking that she refer local moms to me if/when they need help with breastfeeding. She was happy to do so. I also made a website, jessicaonbabies.com. And I'm going to give more cards to the local pediatrician. Now I just sit back and wait for people to call me, right? Haha.

Still blogging away, and still running the Facebook page, and starting to try to Tweet more, too.

Shai will be going to preschool two days a week come January. Hooray!

Are there any of you who still read this journal? Are there any of you who are not friends with me on Facebook and therefore didn't know this stuff yet? :)

youtube channel, blog, kids

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