Your September Update

Sep 03, 2013 09:38

Oh gosh, it's been a while, eh? So, we're settled in, moved in, living life in El Granada, California, just north of Half Moon Bay, which is about 25 miles south of San Francisco on the coast. I think this is just about the coolest place to live. It's a small town - <4000 people in El Granada - we don't even have street mail delivery from our post office, but fortunately we and a few other lucky streets get mail delivery via the Half Moon Bay post office (I don't get it), so I don't have to pick up my mail or anything. Niv's school has fewer than 400 kids, and it's one of only three elementary schools in the district. His 2nd-grade class has 23 kids, and there's one other 2nd-grade classroom, also with 23 kids. There's one grocery store. Shopping is a bit of a challenge. Not so easy just to run to Target for something - Target's about 30 minutes away - but this place is just so awesome. It's beautiful, and the people are SO NICE and friendly.

The house we're renting is nice. It's 4 bedrooms, all one story, and big. The kitchen goes on forever. One of the bedrooms was already converted into an office, which is fine because we were planning to use it as one anyway. There are only two bathrooms (first world problems, much?), since it's a one-story. I kind of wish there was a powder room for guests, but that's a minor thing.

The weather here is incredible and weird. It was COLD in July, like, needing a blanket, turning the heat on cold at night. Now the sun is coming out every day, but this area is known for basically just being foggy. I'm told "summer" here is in the fall, which seems to be coming true. I'm also told it could be in the 80s in December, which will be odd for me. We're maybe a mile from the ocean, and I get to drive along California Route 1 every day right up the coast to take Niv to school. The views are stunning when the sun is out. The ocean, and the hills, and the farms. So pretty. Never gets old.

Our next door neighbors are really nice. We're becoming friends, I think, and their oldest daughter is about Shai's age, so that's working out well. She's already helped me out so much, taking Shai with her when she takes her kids out, hanging out, and just knowing I have someone to turn to for help is comforting.

We seem to have found a Chabad, in San Mateo, which is about 30 minutes away. The community is about the size we were after, and I really like the rebbetzin. We'll be going there for the high holidays, and have been to three Shabbats there so far. There isn't really anyone closer or more available to us, so we'll stick with them for a bit and see what happens.

To my surprise and delight, Niv's teacher at school is Jewish! There aren't a lot of Jews on the coast, but we're around, as we're everywhere, and it's certainly no worse than Oceanside! Getting kosher food isn't really any easier, unfortunately, but we're making do.

So, we're pretty happy. Most of you are FB friends, so you've probably seen my pictures and stuff. We've really been out and exploring. There's lots to do here, and you don't have to travel far to get out of "civilization" and see something new.

As for this pregnancy - I'm 33 weeks today. This kid kicks like crazy. I'm kind of sick of being pregnant but scared of having a newborn. Classic third trimester anxiety for me. FOUR BOYS. Holy crap.

pregnancy, kids, moving

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