You Mean I'm Actually Good At This?

Aug 13, 2012 21:08

I know I'm a good writer. I know that the people who do read what I write, like what I write. I know I have good things to say. But I often feel like I get little real validation beyond the three F's (friends, family, and fools - well, maybe two F's, then, in this case). My BLOG gets maybe 700 page views a month, and most hits are from friends who click through from Facebook (thank you!!) when I post a new article or random Google hits, sometimes not for search strings I want people finding me through. Although lately I've been getting hits on exactly the search strings I'd want to get hits from, so that's nice. I have no idea how many of those people stick around or keep coming back to read more, however.

I really don't know quite what I'm doing differently from other people who maybe aren't as good writers, don't have interesting things to say, and who annoy me but have thousands of page views, sponsored ads, and actually make a little money on their blogs.

So I decided to investigate I joined and made a member post, which isn't solicited or paid or reviewed but immediately becomes published in whatever category you want to put it in along with all the other thousands of bloggers they have. Sounds like a place ripe for getting buried and unnoticed, yes? Well, yes and no. Because they're just posted chronologically, so anyone who cares to browse might happen upon your article and, if the headline is interesting or the blurb catches their eye, read it. And, if you're lucky, they like it and comment or "sparkle" (which is the same as liking on Facebook, near as I can tell) it or share it on Facebook or Tweet it or Pin it (is that the right verb?) or +1 it or whatever. And, what I didn't know is that the section editor might decide she likes your post and promote it to the front page as an Editor's pick. And when that happens, more people see it, because it comes up first when they click through to that section. And, well, that happened, with my post "Birth is Just One Day -- Or Is It?" (they re-titled it for SEO. I had a better title, but whatevs). And since Wednesday, that post has had over 1200 views, 27 shares on Facebook, and a few Tweets.

I'm floored. And honored. (And I kinda wish I could get paid for it!) My post actually made it to the front page of itself, not just the BlogHerMoms section. I don't know how a post gets featured there, but I was thrilled beyond belief. So exciting!

My time in the spotlight is already fading, as it's been pushed off the front page by newer posts, but I'm not sorry. I've been so inspired to keep writing now that I've gotten some validation, that complete strangers like my work and share it with others. Having sold over 170 copies of my book helps, too, but this is somehow more concrete to me, maybe because it happened so fast.

What would really help me out, then is for my friends to reshare my blog to their friends who might be interested. I feel like sometimes the power of social media doesn't work for me because I don't beg enough. So I'm begging. PLEASE, if we're FB friends (or even if we're not!), share this page:, which is my FB presence for my blog. Share my blog directly, too:, on LJ and on FB and Twitter and wherever else you are. I know I have a lot to say, and I know people like what I have to say, and I know people want to discuss what I have to say. But for that to happen, they need to see it! Oh, and I have a Twitter, too, @JessicaOnBabies.

I've also applied to be in the BlogHer Publishing Network, which lets me be paid per page view for featuring BlogHer advertisers on my blog.Since, if accepted, I'd be paid per view, I need more views! I don't blog to make money, but if I could make money because I blog, that would help us out so much. I mean, I will continue to blog whether I make money at it or not, but making money doing something I love would be awesome, you know? Money is tight right now, and I'm trying to find creative ways to bring in a little extra. I make $10 to $15 a month on my book through Amazon, which isn't much, but still more than some people ever see for their work, so it's something. If I had an overall increased web presence, I expect my book would sell faster, too.

Help a girl out? :) Oh, and read my post. It's pretty darn good. 


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