(no subject)

Dec 01, 2008 20:12

Holy crap, I forgot to talk about my ultrasound! I had one last Wednesday (when I was exactly 35 weeks pregnant). Get this:
Thigh bone: measuring at a totally average 35 weeks
Torso: measuring at a slightly above average 36.5 weeks
Head: measuring at 39 weeks
"Weighs" about 6lbs, 14oz, but we know that can be off by as much as 1-1/2 pounds, so he's anywhere between about 5lbs, 6oz and 8lbs, 6oz.

BUT WHAT A HUGE HEAD HE HAS OMG! And it's right ON MY BLADDER. Just thinking about it makes me have to pee again.

We did get one really good view of his face. I think he's going to look just like Niv at birth. :) He had his arm over his face most of the time, so it was hard to get a good look. We did get a good look at the other end. MOST DEFINITELY A BOY, in case we weren't sure the first time. :-P He's built like his brother, though. Big head, long torso, short legs. Lol.

So, this big-head thing, regardless of his weight (which is not all that high for a 35-weeker, even taking the high end of the range, I don't think)...it makes me nervous, ya know? Well, I've got another OB appointment on Friday, at which I'm sure she'll tell me just to go schedule a c-section already.

If this information makes anyone want to change their predictions, be my guest. :)

Also, I took Niv to a speech pathologist today and got the lovely assessment that he's actually quite advanced for his age in most ways (length of utterances, vocabulary size, phonemes uttered) and the tongue-tie doesn't appear to be too bad and doesn't appear to be interfering with pronunciation. Woo-hoo! Indeed, the binky is probably more problematic than the tongue at this point, but not a big deal. She wasn't overly concerned. She said he's probably developed his talking so fast, his enunciation just can't keep up. :) She said we could bring him back next year some time, when he's around 3, to reevaluate if we're still concerned.

I should still have him assessed by a dentist regarding the development of his bottom teeth, though. That's my other concern, and, of course, a speech pathologist can't really help there. Heh.

niv, pregnancy, baby

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