Moving Slower and loving it!

May 29, 2009 13:22

Strawberry Music Festival was a great boon for me. I have been a volunteer at this event for 17 and a half years and this Spring was a sweet gift to myself. Went up alone, as often happens for the Spring Festival (there is one in the Fall, too, and my daughter and friends often attend with me then). Packed and cinched down the load on top on Sunday and spent the next two days parking my car right in front of work, so I did not have to rush or pack in the dark (ick). Left home Wed just before noon and arrived in good time to set-up my camp, right next to good Strawberry friends, where I always camp. Again, no rushing, just took whatever time I needed to do things. Got up on Thursday, warm and rested.. drank my coffee, listened to the birds and finished decorating my camp slowly.
The day unfolded, more folk arrived and settled and I visited with people I only see at Strawberry.

Music started up and I went to the meadow to dance when I felt like it (often). I ate dinners with the folks I camp near and created wonderful veggie side-dishes to share. Met and flirted with a few fellows; went to some lovely jams; sang in on a few songs; worked my Sunday nite shift and took my own sweet time packing up on Monday. Drove home thru almost no holiday traffic and went to work the next day with the inside of the car still full of camping stuff.

And the real point is, I think I am actually, finally learning how to be a "Human BE-ing" sometimes, instead of a "Human DO-ing" all the time. It is very nice to move a little slower and take a little more time to accomplish things.

Now... if my friends will just slow down a bit too ... listening to the birds and smelling flowers can be a shared event!

strawberry music

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