Nov 02, 2004 17:45
Kerry/Edwards '04. i hope kerry wins cause i cant even imagine what will happen if that stupid ass texan is leading our country again. god...him and his stupid "stragtegeries" (said by the fool himself).
well well. been having shitty things happen to me lately so if i was cranky around you, sorry. it wasnt you im sure. well, one good thing is that im giong to modesto on thursday! yes!!!!!!! i love that place.
other notes...i got 2 A's, a B+, and 3 c's. that is like a 2.9.....SHITTY! but i didnt get any bad marks on my report card tho, so that made my mom happy. well anyways. i just hope kerry will win and im gonna go watch the election, so yeaaaahhhh, peace out.