(no subject)

Jul 29, 2012 21:11

So far today's not gone so well, due to ridiculous itching from the mozzie bites, and spending 2 hrs in the walk-in cente. I started with all good intentions - masked off the paintwork in the lean-to ready to start painting - but just couldn't make myself gte back to it once I got home again. However, I have at least managed to make myself tackle a few of the easiest tasks so I was able to stay up to date.

Today's achievements
  1. Cleared crap out of bathroom = 1
  2. Removed oddments from hallway = 1
  3. Cleaned bathroom mirror = 1
And I just decided that 3 wasn't enough and went to do another task:
  1. Clean kitchen cupboards = 1
Daily total = 4 :)

Cumulative scores so far:
Listmaking = 1/1
Lounge = 1/11
Kitchen = 1/13
Lean-to = 0.5/8
Garden = 1/7
Toilet & hallway = 3/10
Bedroom = 2.5/11
Back bedroom=2/12
Bathroom = 4/10

TOTAL so far: 16/83 (just over 19%)
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