Dec 08, 2004 19:48
This has been quite the long day I must say. We are getting Ms. Siscamanis to take us to see Spanglish. She wants us to call the theater though and see if we need to tell them in advance that we are coming since there are 30 of us. She is quite clueless. She plans on having us walk to the train station.
Sam and I drove the 10 kids on the track team to Thorton Park today because we were too lazy to run there from the school. Damico loved that haha.
It's A wonderful Life is one of my favorite movies and we are watching it in film!
George: What do you want, Mary? Do you want the moon? If you want it, I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down for you. Hey. That's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon, Mary.
Woah I am so distraight because Curtis Leskanic has not been offered to be resigned! Adrienne and I missed him when he walked into Fenway and now I will never see him agian I bet. So upsetting. And Guitirez is gone and he was a source of much amusement. I loved making fun of him because he was so random.
I just talked to Danielle and unfortunately she can not attend the tennis party on Saturday. Hopefully she can come down over Christmas break because I miss herrrr.
Laguna Beach endeddd! I am so sad I love that show! But next season looks quite amusing.