Paraphrased from
tarnac's LJ...
You've all seen memes. I'm bored, so I'm making my own. It's under the cut. It's LONG. Have fun finding yourself. Do this in your own journal if you want, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it when you've got over 100 friends.
What I did: I copy and pasted my entire "your friends" list. Not people who have friended me, but those who I have friended. I then pasted it into textpad and with a little find replace, formatted it for LJ. I am now going to go through that ENTIRE LIST and write up a comment on each journal. Most likely it'll be why they are on my friends list, or how I came to know them. Something. We'll see what inspiration does as I go along.
Some responses may be serious, some may be witty... we'll see what happens.
ayukawataur, I spent a lot of time on furbid some time ago, (less since I've been so busy) but when I was first introduced to Live Journal, I went through the lists of people who share my interests and friended ones whose names I recognized... She does a great (and massive) job of keeping things in order on that site and I was grateful to see a familiar name on LJ when I started.
bladespark, I believe we met in the ilovetails community. She gave me a very nice compliment about my work, and I was quite pleased, because she does some good work as well. I looked at her userinfo and saw that she was LDS as well, I ended up adding her and also adding the lds_furries community... (though I still don't entirely categorize myself as 'furry' per se... most of my online friends are, so it's a perfectly good fit.) She's been through a lot recently, and I admire her determination to handle it. I wish her the best. She is creative and ambitious, and I like that.
cynsimone, We met in the badparents group, and I offered to give her my phone number 'cause she was having a frustrating day... it didn't quite work out with the phone number exchange thing, but a day or two later, I was having a tough time figuring out something about my oldest's sleeping habits, and she offered to call me to teach me a technique that would help... again it never worked out with the phone thing, but we ended up on each other's lists. This woman has a lot of passion for making the world a better place. She works hard to make friends with just about everyone she meets and always stands up for what she believes in. She has an incredible ability to network, and is very driven. She gives me things to think about. I appreciate that.
grrrowly, We met in furbid_horrors, of all places... though I have to point out, she doesn't go there anymore... (I don't really spend a whole lot of time there, either... just monitor it mostly... watch the conversations an such...) It makes sense that she doesn't go there, because I can't recall her saying bad things about anybody... She's an absolute doll... so sweet and thoughtful and giving. She's creative, skilled, and encouraging to others she knows who are developing their talents.
jtbeckett, This is me... I like me too. :-)
jumpyfox, We met in tarnac's LJ. He friended me, and asked I would friend him back... He's from Cleveland, I had lived in Buffalo recently, and the two places are both rather economically depressed, and have similar governmental problems. He has some keen insights to the world around him... He strives to learn all he can about it, and he's not afraid to take a good hard look at himself and see where there's room for improvement... I just hope he's equally able to take a good hard look at himself and see what a great guy he is, and that as a person he is worth the admiration and respect that he gets from his friends... because he is.
kelpie_dingo, One of several folks I put on my friend list shortly after I found LJ... Korrok had actually pointed out an entry where she and some friends were talking about the hyena tail I had for auction on furbid. I ended up friending the whole ot of them... I'm not sure why, but it seems like whenever kelpie posts something, it's always when I'm not in a position to spend any time on the computer... so I rarely ever comment in his journal... and by the time his post has fallen off the first page, I've forgotten what I would have posted anyway... weird, that. Anyhow... nice guy... occasionally rants about life, work, so on... I enjoy reading his LJ.
korrok, I know she's gone, but she was one of the first people to talk to me on LJ, and we had some very good conversations. I'll miss that. Korrok is very talented, and a thoughtful person... with a boisterous sense of humor.
lacy, Very talented costume designer, and super nice. We met on the fursuit group, when she announced the fursuit_makers group, which I was excited to be a part of. I love her style, and greatly enjoy seeing her new creations.
mama_de_mary, We met on the badparents group. She called me on the carpet about a comment I made with just the right amount of no nonsense, and I appreciated how she handled herself. I also read a few posts by her, and felt kind of a kinship there, so I asked if I could friend her. She has a lot going on in her life right now, and she handles herself well. I'm very impressed with her cool-headedness. She's given me strength when I'm about to fly off the handle a couple of times now, and I must say, she's a very good mommy. She's definately a person I would want on my side in a pinch, 'cause she stands up for people.
mavikfelna, When I signed up for the lds_furry group, Mavikfelna asked to be friended... he runs the group. He's going through some very tough times right now, and I wish him the best with that. He's a warm-hearted guy, with deep thoughts, and I hope he's able to find what he's looking for.
mazz, Another badparents group find... We had a conversations about making informed choices, and I felt a connection there, so I friended her... found out later we have some other various things in common that we deal with, (some things perhaps from different perspectives, but whatever) She's always good to talk to, and I find her daily life quite interesting... I get kind of emotionally involved when she's being bullied by an obnoxious boss, or being blindsided by untrustworthy people, or when she's giddy about meeting someone new... but she's very driven to be a great mom, and to find peace in her life... I look forward to her finding that.
pawzywuff, He bought a tail from me a couple of years ago in Buffalo, and I saw him again at anthrocon... then I moved away, and he saw me in tarnac's LJ, and friended me. that was really recent, so I don't know a whole lot about him other than that, but given a little time, I'm sure I'll figure him out a little better.
ravellwolf, Korrok's significant other. After she got the boot on LJ, I figured I could keep updated on her happenings through him... he doesn't post all that often, though, so bummer. Korrok always spoke quite highly of him, so I would imagine he's a rather great guy... He certainly is there for Korrok, and I know how great it is to have someone who's so in sync with you.
rose_quoll, Very creative in all sorts of areas. I enjoy her work, and appreciate when she posts pictures of the things she's working on. Haven't had many conversations with her... but it seems like she's on LJ mostly for business purposes, so that's ok.
shimmerhawk, Another very talented person... If I ever get into doing movies and such, I would want her on my special effects team for sure. She seems to be someone who has integrity as far as what you see is what you get... I like when you always know where you stand with someone, and she just strikes me as the kind of person who will always be open like that... that's kind of the impression I get... Honest, for better or worse...
snowwolfmystic, Talented both musically and with digital art... (and probably many other ways... but those are the two i have seen examples of.) She seems to have a great love and devotion to those things and is a very motivated person, through any trials she has been given.
stevefoxx, Friend of Katzedrache's. I'm not sure how to describe his LJ other than, of all the journals on my list, his is the most like a real journal... like an actual account of the everyday things, thoughts and impressions... goals, plans, etc. It's like he uses it to organize himself mentally. Anyhow... good stuff there... friendly guy, too.
tarnac, Aaah... my sugardaddy... ;-) This guy could single-handedly keep my youngest in diapers with all the tails he has ordered from me. Really good guy... great sense of humor... and though he tries to deny it, an incredible people person. I bet when he's at a party, he is like the bug zapper for any flying insects... irresistible, electrifying, and you'll never know what hit you. He strives to live life to the fullest on his own terms, and not over-analyze anything. I am pleased to call him my friend, and I am doubly pleased that he considers me a friend.
tjcoyote, I don't actually know this guy, and I don't think he has friended me back or anything... but JT is a coyote , and his name is tjcoyote. I thought it was kind of nifty.
wolfensong, A very sweet girl I met around the same time as Korrok, Shimmerhawk, and Kelpie Dingo... Wolfensong and I have similar philosophies in politics, and such... She learns from the situations she is placed into, and she learns quickly. She is very observant and always open to hearing things that are presented to her, and contemplating them, and coming to her own conclusions based on feelings as well as logic. She seems to have many facets to her character... well rounded, taking all the good things life has to offer and making them a part of herself. She's got a great deal of passion about things, and has deep thoughts and ideals. I enjoy reading her thoughts and I care about her very much, she is a truly unique and special person.